davecoopey Member


  • I’d like to connect with others to share the weight loss and fitness journey with.
  • Thanks! Sounds like you need an MRI as well. It’s amazing what they’ll find when they read it. That’s probably the most direct line to finding out what’s wrong. Best of luck to ya!
  • I tore my meniscus in the left knee. Already had fairly bad arthritis in both kneecaps and when they did the MRI my ortho saw that my left kneecap was too tight against the bones and was basically bone on bone on bone. So they fixed the meniscus and did a “lateral release” on the kneecap to allow it to float away from the…
  • Depends on what your goals are. Before my recent knee surgery, I was cycling about 60 to 70 miles a week and then doing 2 days of body weight exercises (calisthenics if you’re old school). I wanted stamina and strength so that combination seemed to work for me.
  • Maybe you need an MRI done to make sure? I’m almost 50 so daily aches and pain seems like it’s unavoidable at this point.
  • I hope you can get out and run again soon! It’s killing me not pedaling for the last month. Trying to be patient and just do the PT stuff.