Injury rehab

Hey friends! Been using the app for a few years to lose weight and track my fitness. Just had knee surgery and thought it might be nice to connect with others that are rehabbing an injury or doing physical therapy.


  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm currently recovering from post-tibial tendinitis. Had my second session of physio this morning. I'm hoping to be able to run again soon! Maybe next week according to my PT.
  • davecoopey
    davecoopey Posts: 7 Member
    I hope you can get out and run again soon! It’s killing me not pedaling for the last month. Trying to be patient and just do the PT stuff.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I have a shoulder that's been bothering me. Just had an ultrasound today to check for anything bad inside but I suspect there isn't. Been doing physio. I'm getting tired of babying it.
  • davecoopey
    davecoopey Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe you need an MRI done to make sure? I’m almost 50 so daily aches and pain seems like it’s unavoidable at this point.
  • mikaila96
    mikaila96 Posts: 29 Member
    Currently in PT for a knee refresher. This is round... 5? 2 rounds before I blew out my ACL and tore my meniscus, one very lengthy round following surgery, and 2 rounds since. Not counting my bouts in PT for other ailments! (If you have kids, maybe think twice about letting them be cheerleaders...)
    Mainly back this time because my knee got out of whack again and affected my opposite hip/SI, which has been a drag and a half to deal with! Luckily on the tail end of this stint and looking to discharge soon!
    What was your knee surgery?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    I have a shoulder that's been bothering me. Just had an ultrasound today to check for anything bad inside but I suspect there isn't. Been doing physio. I'm getting tired of babying it.

    Good luck. I got frozen shoulder 2 yrs ago and it's slowly getting better. I'm 63 though, and have been PTing it all this time. It takes a long time.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    I am currently about 14 weeks out from an ACL reconstruction. About 2 weeks ago, I was cleared for straight line/flat terrain running. That's harder to do than it sounds though bc all the places I like to run are curvy and a little hilly. I also recently started back with spin class and yoga and it really feels good to get to do those again. I have a strength test coming up in a few weeks that will allow for a lot more activity if I pass and then a few more weeks of PT. I'm currently at the stage of trying to even out the quad and hamstring strength compared with the other leg and working on getting the knee to move smoothly again as it still feels a little unstable going down stairs.
    Good luck with your knee recovery.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited September 2018
    We are still in process trying to figure out what’s wrong with my knee. Pain started 2013 & my dad took me to a chiropractor who put electrodes on it that did nothing, in 2015 it dislocated & I did physio for several months to get back my range of motion, the pain came back and I injured my calf as well and I’ve been in physio since the end of April. I also got orthotics that may be helpful. My physiotherapist thinks my knee ultrasound and cyclical experience is indicative of an autoimmune issue but we need to wait for the doctors opinions.

    Good luck with your surgery recovery ❤️
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Good luck to all of you!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    I have a shoulder that's been bothering me. Just had an ultrasound today to check for anything bad inside but I suspect there isn't. Been doing physio. I'm getting tired of babying it.

    Good luck. I got frozen shoulder 2 yrs ago and it's slowly getting better. I'm 63 though, and have been PTing it all this time. It takes a long time.

    I was told I've an impingment
    I admit I have probably had it a year. Shoulders are a pain in the butt. Well not literally it had been a pain in my ribs haha
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    I have a shoulder that's been bothering me. Just had an ultrasound today to check for anything bad inside but I suspect there isn't. Been doing physio. I'm getting tired of babying it.

    Good luck. I got frozen shoulder 2 yrs ago and it's slowly getting better. I'm 63 though, and have been PTing it all this time. It takes a long time.

    I was told I've an impingment
    I admit I have probably had it a year. Shoulders are a pain in the butt. Well not literally it had been a pain in my ribs haha

    Look at "Ask Dr. Jo" on Youtube. She has great range of motion exercises for shoulders and just about everything else. She is easy to follow and uses regular things that you have around the house for weights and stretches. I've had great luck with her.
  • davecoopey
    davecoopey Posts: 7 Member
    mikaila96 wrote: »
    Currently in PT for a knee refresher. This is round... 5? 2 rounds before I blew out my ACL and tore my meniscus, one very lengthy round following surgery, and 2 rounds since. Not counting my bouts in PT for other ailments! (If you have kids, maybe think twice about letting them be cheerleaders...)
    Mainly back this time because my knee got out of whack again and affected my opposite hip/SI, which has been a drag and a half to deal with! Luckily on the tail end of this stint and looking to discharge soon!
    What was your knee surgery?

    I tore my meniscus in the left knee. Already had fairly bad arthritis in both kneecaps and when they did the MRI my ortho saw that my left kneecap was too tight against the bones and was basically bone on bone on bone. So they fixed the meniscus and did a “lateral release” on the kneecap to allow it to float away from the joint. My knees are a mess from being 400 lbs when I was in my 20s and also did a lot of power lifting and tore up my knees. I lost almost half my body weight in my late 20s and have kept most of the weight off since then.

  • davecoopey
    davecoopey Posts: 7 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    We are still in process trying to figure out what’s wrong with my knee. Pain started 2013 & my dad took me to a chiropractor who put electrodes on it that did nothing, in 2015 it dislocated & I did physio for several months to get back my range of motion, the pain came back and I injured my calf as well and I’ve been in physio since the end of April. I also got orthotics that may be helpful. My physiotherapist thinks my knee ultrasound and cyclical experience is indicative of an autoimmune issue but we need to wait for the doctors opinions.

    Good luck with your surgery recovery ❤️

    Thanks! Sounds like you need an MRI as well. It’s amazing what they’ll find when they read it. That’s probably the most direct line to finding out what’s wrong. Best of luck to ya!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Rehabbing from some bursitis in my hip and man, it is hard not working out like I'm used to. I log daily and do CICO without cutting out food groups or having cheat days, cleansing, etc. I'm so ready to get back to running but this healing process is long and taking a LOT of time. Add me if you'd like.
  • JKStarcher
    JKStarcher Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2018
    Would love to follow along.
    I am 2.5 years post open fracture of right ankle (broke right in half/have 2 pins). Off my feet for 4 months, out of the gym for 6 months, struggled with depression and gained 50-60lbs. :( All of that non-movement, weight gain, and walking funny ended up causing another problem...chronic low back pain...which prevented me from getting back to my normal workouts. And now I have an impingement in my right shoulder, and some tendon pain in my left wrist. (sigh...Go big or go home??)
    I am working with a new set of coaches who are helping me rehab, though. But at 44 years old (and a lot of inflammation going on in my body), progress is SO MUCH SLOWER than before. (5 years ago I was at 180 and lost 60 pounds in 8 months...sadly my body is not responding like that anymore). My biggest issue right now is actually going to be cleaning up my diet and trying to decrease the inflammation in my body. I have a new goal, though...just booked our next family cruise (12/28/2019) I'd really love to be in better health by then so that I can really enjoy it all!
    Hope everyone heals fully (albeit slowly)!!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I’m in my sixth month of rehabbing something—right now we’re trying to figure out if my hip pain is bursitis (been there, done that), or something else. Really tired of doing zero lower body lifting :neutral: Had an MRA on Wednesday and the doc doing the ultrasound for needle placement thought it looked like a torn labrum, but waiting for the MRI read. Hoping it’s something non-surgical!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    davecoopey wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    We are still in process trying to figure out what’s wrong with my knee. Pain started 2013 & my dad took me to a chiropractor who put electrodes on it that did nothing, in 2015 it dislocated & I did physio for several months to get back my range of motion, the pain came back and I injured my calf as well and I’ve been in physio since the end of April. I also got orthotics that may be helpful. My physiotherapist thinks my knee ultrasound and cyclical experience is indicative of an autoimmune issue but we need to wait for the doctors opinions.

    Good luck with your surgery recovery ❤️

    Thanks! Sounds like you need an MRI as well. It’s amazing what they’ll find when they read it. That’s probably the most direct line to finding out what’s wrong. Best of luck to ya!

    I had a recent ultrasound, and an MRI actually way back when it dislocated. But it's a little delayed currently because I got a concussion :neutral: eugh. So that kinda takes priority. If I could just stop getting injured? that would be awesome. Lol.
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    I’m in my sixth month of rehabbing something—right now we’re trying to figure out if my hip pain is bursitis (been there, done that), or something else. Really tired of doing zero lower body lifting :neutral: Had an MRA on Wednesday and the doc doing the ultrasound for needle placement thought it looked like a torn labrum, but waiting for the MRI read. Hoping it’s something non-surgical!

    Hope you didn't have MRA
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited September 2018
    Major knee injury rehab for me was push, push, push through pain until the medics insisted on total bed rest.
    Which destroyed my remaining muscle mass.
    Then finally managed to get an accurate diagnosis for one injury (ruptured and irreparable PCL) and agreement for surgery during which they found the second major injury (90% of meniscus detached and had to be removed).
    Made a complete PITA of myself until the hospital agreed to discharge me days early on understanding I would be "sensible" - erm.....
    Went straight into aggressive rehab and ripped out all my sutures in the rehab gym.

    Don't do what I did!!!

    But there is a learning element of what is soreness, what is pain, what is good soreness and bad soreness - even to a smaller degree what is good pain and bad pain. Nudging your limits rather than throwing yourself at them.

    My experience of Orthopaedic Specialists was really poor until I finally found a good one who was expert in my particular injury (as I sacked one surgeon I asked him who he would go to if he had my injuries...). He also understood my psyche and gave me advice to help me reach my potential while avoiding further injury unlike the previous ones who simply told me what I couldn't do.

    In contrast the Physios and Sports Physios in particular were excellent.
  • ltryon90
    ltryon90 Posts: 15 Member
    Currently 1 year out of knee surgery for a crushed knee cap, and the doc said year and a half before I could run again. I tried my best to prove him wrong. I was out of work for 6 months, a little back history.