graykitten225 Member


  • That's the hardest part for me. I hate being out at the gym. My apartment complex has a very nice gym but I always feel anxious there. I usually walk or workout inside. I keep telling myself when I'm smaller and don't feel so bad about myself that I'll use the gym.
  • Girl I hear you! I always sabotage myself. I'm also kind of afraid of being fit. I lost almost half of my goal before (40 pounds) and I felt so exposed and vulnerable when people noticed. I actually didn't like being looked at. It's crazy how the thing you hate (your extra weight) can also be what's protected you. I…
  • Add me and we can motivate each other! I'm just starting too and also struggle with depression (and anxiety.) It's definitely hard to overcome but having once been healthier than this I know how much it helps mental illness to have a healthy body!