Keep your head up. Don't be down on yourself. Take it day by day, change your diet and do little excersises a day. Rather it's something as little as going for a stroll. You got this. Stay positive!
Awesome thanks! I was wondering what foods I should stick to.
Wow thank you guys for sharing!
@jovacheresse were you incorporating workouts as well?
@RedheadedPrincess14 thank you! Will def be checking that out.
@KateA2017 I would have to agree. This weather has been a downer. On top of being sick.
@amy3cc @polvo71 thats awesome! Thanks for sharing I really appreciate it. I'm offcially starting next week. Been prepping myself haha
@kimothy38 hows your body handling the fasting? Have you seen results?
@Ironandwine69 how did you start out? What do you eat? Do you do the full 8 hrs w/o food? I have so many questions!
Thank you! @mrsnattybulking
@MegansMom2011 I definitely have started that! I made a little poster board for myself. Thank you so much for responding. Good luck on your journey. I know you can do it!