Intermittent fasting anyone??

Hi! So next week Im going to start intermittent fasting. Kind of nervous but I have been reading up on it a lot! Anyone who is doing this or have done this? I will take all the tips and suggestions I can get!


  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I do a bastardized version in that I only skip breakfast and don't follow a window but I advise you to fast when you are least hungry vs filling an arbitrary timeline.
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! @mrsnattybulking
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Yep. 4-5 years now
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    @Ironandwine69 how did you start out? What do you eat? Do you do the full 8 hrs w/o food? I have so many questions!
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I do mostly 18:6. I eat noon to 6pm. But I change it sometimes based on what's going on. Yesterday I had all my calories noon to 2 pm so I fasted until 11am today. But most days I fast 6pm to noon. I don't remember how I started to be honest. Add me. I am the worst food logger but my diary is open.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I've been doing 5:2 for the past 6 weeks. I noticed that fasting had negative impact on training so I've started taking BCAAs capsules to compensate and changed a fasting day. It's working well though. I eat dinner 6pm the night before then fast for 16 hours, have 800 calories (usually eggs, fish, greens, oats, protein drink, fruit) during an 8 hour window, then fast again for another 16 hours.
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    @kimothy38 hows your body handling the fasting? Have you seen results?
  • polvo71
    polvo71 Posts: 42 Member
    I do 5:2 and follow my colories very carefully on the non fast days. it works for me. Since you have been reading up on it then you probably have some good tips in your toolbox. Protein and green veggies is the way to go. I have to skip coffee on fast days because even a tiny bit of milk will suck up precious calories. Stock up on shritaki noodles (tofu). They are a godsend on fast days. Just make sure you rinse them befor you add them to your veggies or protein. It smells awful but they don't taste like they smell at all.
  • crazyycatladyy1
    crazyycatladyy1 Posts: 156 Member
    Yep. 4-5 years now

    Same-been doing IF in its various forms for around 5 years now (through the weight loss phase and now in maintenance).
  • MileHighFitness
    MileHighFitness Posts: 2,298 Member
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    @amy3cc @polvo71 thats awesome! Thanks for sharing I really appreciate it. I'm offcially starting next week. Been prepping myself haha
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    I use an app called zero to track my fasting. I started with a 10 hr feeding window and now I usually eat in a 6-7 hour window. I love it. It actually makes me feel less hungry cause I get to eat big meals
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    @RedheadedPrincess14 thank you! Will def be checking that out.
  • jovacheresse
    jovacheresse Posts: 2 Member
    I tried it for three weeks ( I ate only between 12:00noon to 8pm). No results. So I went back to eating 5 smaller meals per day and it's working for me. I guess it all depends on an individual's body.
  • jamezbond
    jamezbond Posts: 3 Member
    I have done a 12 hour IF (eat 11 am, post workout, to 10 or 11 at night) for a few years. Great for me.
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    @jovacheresse were you incorporating workouts as well?
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! I started at a new gym in November, I met with a trainer for the first time...he gave me a program to do but I didn't embrace the way of eating he recommended. Fast forward to now...I had lost 12 pds but then stalled...and believe me...I have way more to lose! So I met with him again...I am vegetarian so his protein/veggie plan is a learning process! I am ready to listen to him...he has 6% body fat right now...he might know a thing or two...
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    @kimothy38 hows your body handling the fasting? Have you seen results?
    I lost 1.5kg in the first week then it slowed down then stalled for a few weeks then another 1.5kg loss. Lost 8kg over 6 weeks I think. The thing I like about fasting is that it's only 2 days a week which I can cope with way better than dieting every day. I try to eat sensibly on the other days but I'm not strict and I don't log on those days. This will need to change as I lose more weight.
    I recommend the blood sugar diet book by Michael Mosley - very inspiring. I'm doing it not just for weight loss but I also have a sibling with type 2 diabetes.
    What I didn't anticipate was the negative effect on training. I do 30 mins circuit at 6am the day after fasting (don't break fast yet till mid morn) and I'd feel so weak it was a real struggle. So now I take BCAA powder and it's really helped with endurance.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Unless you are doing 5:2, intermittent fasting isn't a weight loss protocol unless you are consciously eating fewer calories. Many people can adjust as needed to lose, maintain or gain weight while IF. especially the 16:8 form and it's variations. I have been following it for years now and love it for the simplicity, but make no mistake, just eating within a certain window isn't going to make you magically lose weight.