Intermittent fasting anyone??



  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    I started doing intermittent fasting about three weeks ago. I just eat one big meal per day. Love it so far. Eating one meal a day just save so much time and effort on cooking. And meal planning is so simple. Life is so much better this way.
  • Crys8021
    Crys8021 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm glad to see so many have had great results with fasting. I've thought about 5:2 and think it would be perfect for me. My husband works a 24/48 shift and duty days would be perfect for me since we're not eating together.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Yup, I skip breakfast. I drink tea all morning then eat lunch around noon. Then dinner around 6pm. Sometimes I'll throw in a little snack between my 2 meals if I'm really ravenous, but not too often.

    Don't be surprised if it takes some time for the hunger pains to go away. If your body is used to eating at 8am every morning, it's going to be upset when you switch up the schedule. After a week or two it'll become much easier.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    kimothy38 wrote: »
    I've been doing 5:2 for the past 6 weeks. I noticed that fasting had negative impact on training so I've started taking BCAAs capsules to compensate and changed a fasting day. It's working well though. I eat dinner 6pm the night before then fast for 16 hours, have 800 calories (usually eggs, fish, greens, oats, protein drink, fruit) during an 8 hour window, then fast again for another 16 hours.

    Please tell me you eat more than 800 calories a day.
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member
    16:8 faster here. I eat breakfast at 11am, lunch around 2pm then have dinner around 6:30pm.

    Been going since January, once in a while its a challenge to make it to breakfast. Recommendation, keep busy, don't complain to friends/coworkers about how hungry you are, it will only make it worse. If you have free time in the morning do something like dust the house, get the shopping done whatever.

    Once you get into the routine its easy to keep at it. 99% of the time I don't even think about food till about half hour before its time to eat. In fact couple days a week Ill be busy and not get a chance to eat till after noon.

    As to benefits, I am doing it to keep meal times locked in. It helps me knowing it is only x number of hours till I can eat dinner, and stops me from going and having a bowl of chips.
  • sargeanthartman
    sargeanthartman Posts: 1 Member
    After years of trying to lose weight and not succeeding, I can honestly say the 5:2 has been life changing for me.
    I am now 4lbs off my target weight of 8st then I will maintain that weight with a fast once a week.
    I do intermittant fasting of two days a week of 500calories and I can eat what I please on my non fasting days.
    Nothing is set in stone and if you go over your 500calories it's no big deal - if you go way over, just chill out and try again tomorrow.
    I have lost all the blubber round my waist that I thought would never go and am now starting to partake in sports that I thought were closed to me, swimming, running and cycling.
    I literally could not even walk uphill before.
    My doctor has been amazed by the success of this diet and has even started recommending it to her more challenging patients.
    There is now evidence to show that intermittant fasting also has other health benefits other than weight loss.
    I read Michael Moseleys book after this diet was shown on the Horizon program on BBC tv. It is fascinating and informative.
    PLEASE NOTE..type 1 diabetics should not practise the 5:2diet.
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    Wow thank you guys for sharing!
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I support fasting.

    I follow fasting/light eating but it's not intermittent or random. I synch it with my light activity days.

    Tips: don't be afraid to incorporate some fun alcohol drinks in your fasting. You'll find you have a lot of free time when you don't cook a full meal, and some nights go very slowly. Alcohol helps and it doesn't take a lot to feel the buzz obviously, but drink responsibly.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi! So next week Im going to start intermittent fasting. Kind of nervous but I have been reading up on it a lot! Anyone who is doing this or have done this? I will take all the tips and suggestions I can get!

    Just know it's not magic. if you put down 8k calories in your eating window you won't lose an ounce.

    I lost all my wieght without IF. now I do it just to help deal with hunger in maintenance and because I like big meals. Point is, IF in itself is not a "diet". it's an eating strategy.

    Also rule number 1. don't tell to many people you are doing IF. people really still think breakfast is critical thanks to years of commercials and they'll think your crazy and hurting yourself.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I only eat two meals a day, kinda .. my coffee unfortunately counts as my "third meal" because I put coffee mate and honey in it. I will eat my first food meal at 12-1pm. Then supper at 5-6pm. Water after that! I'm not sure if it helps me lose weight exactly, but I feel better and can control my calorie intake a lot easier!! Good luck to you with whatever you do .. and remember what works for one, doesn't work for all. Find something that works best for you and stick to it!! =)
  • np1514
    np1514 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been intermittent fasting for a month now. Its given me ok results so far but its only been a month so we will see how it goes
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    I just started 'IF' and so far so good. There are a lot of great tips already given; I would include lots of protein, fiber and veggies--and take a multi-vitamin for any nutrients your body needs while fasting. I'm a night-snacker, so it can be quite the challenge but I'm already feeling lighter and sleeping better!
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I've been fasting without even realizing it! It just naturally happened as I lost more and more weight. Hunger pains don't bother me at all anymore. Only if I start feeling nauseous and that rarely happens. Food is just for survival. I don't think about it much anymore.
  • venus_en_pisces
    venus_en_pisces Posts: 14 Member
    I want to start IF but not sure how to structure my fast/feed periods when I work 7 pm to 7 am, 3 days per week. I thought 10 pm to 2 pm would work since I don't like to eat in the ambulance but on busy nights when I'm lifting and moving multiple patients, I'm getting lightheaded and need fuel. I sleep normally when I'm not at work. Not sure what to do. Any advice?
  • LenaB54
    LenaB54 Posts: 1 Member
    I just did my first 16/8 fasting myself, drinking water helps :). Good luck
  • jovacheresse
    jovacheresse Posts: 2 Member
    @jovacheresse were you incorporating workouts as well?
    No I didn't.

  • malibushari
    malibushari Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2017
    I do 14/15 hour fasts daily. I'm not structured like some...if I finish eating my dinner at 6:30pm, then I won't eat breakfast until 8:30 am. Sometimes I finish eating dinner at 8pm, so then I won't eat breakfast until 10am. The only thing that I will have of a morning is some coffee. And if I'm not hungry after 14 hours, then I can go 15 or even 16 hours sometimes. It's more flexible and it works for me in that I don't have this time deadline hanging over my head, as in, "oh my god, I only have 10 more minutes to eat so I'm going to cram something down." I've been doing this for several years and it works great!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    Unless you are doing 5:2, intermittent fasting isn't a weight loss protocol unless you are consciously eating fewer calories. Many people can adjust as needed to lose, maintain or gain weight while IF. especially the 16:8 form and it's variations. I have been following it for years now and love it for the simplicity, but make no mistake, just eating within a certain window isn't going to make you magically lose weight.

    The thing people should realise is that IF isn't just for weight loss, there are health benefits to giving your body a break from digesting food. For me the weight loss is an added bonus. Hunger is the best condiment.
  • bitsyybabyy
    bitsyybabyy Posts: 13 Member
    I just started 'IF' and so far so good. There are a lot of great tips already given; I would include lots of protein, fiber and veggies--and take a multi-vitamin for any nutrients your body needs while fasting. I'm a night-snacker, so it can be quite the challenge but I'm already feeling lighter and sleeping better!

    Awesome thanks! I was wondering what foods I should stick to.