emmerunner Member


  • I'm fine with whatever you all decide, but oddly enough, I'm leaning towards SP. Who would have thought it?
  • Testing from my phone--can't use the phone emojis, either. Just the MFP ones.
  • I was thinking the same thing about the emojis. They are really limited here. Hmmm... I guess we can always add our own.
  • Kelly, that sounds beautiful. A good kind of tired. B) Becky, I'm going camping in the Sierra for 9 days mid June, then coming back for 2 days and leaving for Alaska for 10 days, then to Nashville for 8 days, then Washington State for 5 days, then a final camping trip for 4 days. Then the fall travels begin, ha! We are…
  • Happy birthday, Erika! You should have the cake you want. The kitty is hanging in there. He's still eating, drinking, and sleeping, and pretty much nothing else. And, my weekend is going to be work, work, work. We're reading statewide exams for the next week, and it begins tomorrow. It's a nice chunk of extra $$, which I…
  • Hi everyone! (Erika, yes, I'll be leader--do your magic). A little background: we are a group that started on Sparkpeople but have been frustrated that they haven't really improved the site for a while. We also like the tools here better. So, here we are. We're happy to have new life in the group! I am a university…