BOOMbabyBOOMxD Member


  • I said control, not eliminate. I don’t think elimination strategies work. But if you’re already restricted on the amount that you can consume, it might be a good idea to change the profile of your meals to control hunger. Yeah, I can feel full with fries, but I don’t think the fullness lasts for the long. That was my bad…
  • Comment #2: 1. To make sure you’re eating at a caloric deficit, MEASURE your food. Don’t eyeball or guess how many calories you’re consuming! For example, MFP has one banana listed as 110 g for x calories. But if you buy a banana at the grocer, it’s often a lot more than 110 g! You’ll end up eating more than you think you…
  • Welcome to MFP, Anthony! Like TeaBea said, it’s pretty much just calories in versus calories out. Your body maintains its current weight with a certain amount of calories. If you eat less than that, you lose weight. If you eat more, you gain weight. For weight loss, it doesn’t matter what you eat; you can lose weight…
  • 1. I would highly recommend a food scale! There are quite cheap ones at the stores. If you would rather not bother with one, you can think of one "good" portion as roughly the size of a fist. When I cook for myself and other people, I either weigh out my portions, or I guess using the fist approximation. 2. Choose foods…
  • Almost stat twins! I’ve already lost 5 lbs., but it’s agonizingly slow. :/ How did you or do you distract yourself from the progression?