havajavapoe Member


  • Last posted weight 132 beginning of November. Goal to reach 126 by holidays. Am now weighing in at 130. Lost two pounds this month. Mostly what I have changed is moving more, cutting out snacks. 58 yrs/ Five ft. height, have gained ten unwanted pounds, lost muscle past two years. Feeling good about taking charge of myself…
  • 5'0" 58 CW- 132 GW- 127 in Dec. Report back to this group weekly Adding a 2x wk 45 minute weight training program Returning to low carb
  • 132 pounds. Gained ten pounds in past two years. My goal is to get below 126 by Dec 31, and ultimately back to 122. As I'm really short, five foot it's too high a weight for me. Always used to be easy to lose but now at 58 I'm really struggling. Low carb. Going to add resistance weight training.
  • Height 5 ft 1 Age 56 weight 123 thigh 18 calves 14.5 and 14 My calves have always been my bane, they are very muscular and look large for rest of me. Often told you have big calves. I don't like wearing skirts because of this. I now realize it might look so because I am short, and calves large proportionately to slim…
  • May goals. TrailWalking 5 times a week 35 to 45 minutes x day. Begin 3 times a week resistance training. Continue with keto. Sleep 9 hours a night most nights, in bed by 1030. I would like to lose five pounds but as I only wish to lose it off my tummy and add muscle mass to rest of my body, it is more of a reshaping. Drink…
  • Height 5 ft 1 Weight 121lbs BMI 22 Waist 25" Hips 33" Thighs 18" Calves 14" I have always been told I have large calves. They are large for the rest of me. I see now though they are average. My legs have always been strong.