naturalhomebody Member


  • I tried Halo Top ice cream and it was great. Much better than Artic Zero. More calories, etc but not that much. I layered the two brands in a .5 cup Ramikin to use up the Artic Zero and to reduce the calories somewhat. Great recommendation. I hope my store starts to carry more flavors. I tried the Halo Vanilla Bean and it…
  • Good Morning to All, Marti, thanks for the tea tip. I will give it a try. I bought some of the Artic Zero ice cream and didn't like it. I am going to try the Halo as you suggested. I am going to check out the website you listed to. Maybe I am sweatin' the small stuff and just substituting muscle for fat. As we all know,…
  • Thanks for the recognition! I am down 92 pounds and just the last month people at work are saying, "have you been losing weight?" Or, "you've lost weight haven't you?" I just smile and say, "yes, I have been trying to lose some." I think it is because I have finally gone out and bought new clothes that fit! Down from 26-28…
  • DJ, thanks for the welcome and giving me hints on how to work the site. It was over 90 degrees yesterday and very humid. I was out doors over 10 hours working a cancer survivorship event and was totally wiped when I got home. Over 11,000 steps--which for me is very active! Tried to stay current with the fluids as best as I…
  • My first time posting. Always have been shy and private. I realize that I need to extend myself, be more open about who I am and what I am up to. From reading the various posts, I know I am not alone. I have lost 90 pounds so far and it is getting harder. I found the discussions on goal setting to be beneficial. I also…