Is it possible? Sure. It's about a 3.7% increase on your current best time, a pretty reasonable goal I would have thought. Reasonable and easy are not the same of course :)
Challenge accepted! :D
I can handle married christian guys looking for prostitutes, but anyone who drives a Corolla is too weird to get involved with :p (And as a straight guy i'm not really their target demographic)
Your story needed paragraphs :) But it's a good story. Thanks for sharing.
As someone who has played a lot of basketball this is defnitely true.
204 cm Or a little over 6'8" if you prefer.
No comments on running, but just remember in case of a zombie apocalypse always remember rule no. 2 - Two shots to the head :)
I'm sorry, no REAL James Bond would look at themselves like that. Please hand in your license to kill at your earliest convenience ;)
That's awesome. Can we give you crap about you being an OKC fan and Durrant going to the Warriors, or is that wound still too fresh? :)
In for answers on this one.
I used to be a high level athlete in my teens and 20's, but since i stopped seriously competing I've really started putting weight on. My back is bad and my knee will need surgery soon (mostly to do with the sport stuff when i was younger, but the weight certainly isn't helping). There was no one shining moment when my I…