

  • One good thing to start with is to not eat anything (no matter what) after a certain time you decide on, a few hours before your bedtime. That alone helped me a lot. I used to eat at night and then sleep soon after which really packed on the pounds!
  • I eat one teaspoon of lemon flavored fish oil every day. I am amazed at how much that helps me with my cravings. I also keep a big ziploc bag of cut jicama in my refrigerator. If I MUST eat at night, I put some lemon juice and sometimes cayenne pepper on it, and that's what I eat, drink some water and then I leave the…
  • You already look awesome! I suppose at this point, it depends more on how you feel when you look in the mirror, than what the scale says. You might try losing these last "goal" pounds more slowly and that will help you decide, taking your time so your mind has time to decide. This is my second time losing weight and I know…
  • Thanks! Hopefully this site will help us and be a support so that we will meet our goals :smile:
  • Thank you. Thank is a good way to look at it :) I tend to forget how much I've already accomplished which is way more than the pounds I still have to lose!