Loosing 20

hey MFP's... I am looking for advise on loosing 20lbs... Goes anyone have any advie? Thanks


  • Just do it! :) Watch your portions, stay away from the white breads, sugars... things like that... and do some cardio. There are a few books you may want to read that got me started in the right direction. Bob Greene's Best Life Diet and e Fat Smash books by Dr. Ian. Check them out.
  • smaller portions and plenty of water
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    do you mean losing 20 lbs?

    just watch your calories and work out. I like uphill quick walking and I'm doing jillian michaels 30 day shred.
    and drink lots of water!
  • One good thing to start with is to not eat anything (no matter what) after a certain time you decide on, a few hours before your bedtime. That alone helped me a lot. I used to eat at night and then sleep soon after which really packed on the pounds!