
Hello everybody. I'm new here. I was 220 Lbs before and now I am 163 Lbs. I have to lose about 35 more pounds. I am feeling VERY impatient. I need help!!! I am exercising, eating right, and doing ALL I CAN, but I just have to wait for the days to pass. I can only lose so much weight every day, every week :(

Why am I feeling so impatient??? I know it's illogical, but I'm feeling crazy WAITING!!


  • mangirl
    mangirl Posts: 93
    learn to love yourself for putting in the work and making progress. YOU ARE DOING IT. BE PROUD. =P
  • We appear to be the same size and have the same goals. Drink more water and eat smaller meals like 6x a day. Cutting out dairy and sugar, and dont forget to work out! Good luck to both of us!
  • Thank you. Thank is a good way to look at it :) I tend to forget how much I've already accomplished which is way more than the pounds I still have to lose!
  • Thanks! Hopefully this site will help us and be a support so that we will meet our goals :smile: