BeachFreak2016 Member


  • Exercise is so good for mental health, so do it for that reason and it'll help the weight too. Just start with walking, you can put the baby in the buggy and aim for 10,000 steps a day. Good luck!! I'm a stress/comfort eater too so can only lose weight if I'm in a good place mentally. Most of all, be kind to yourself x x
  • What are you all doing about food though? I've used the DVD intermittently and agree that it really works but I need fat loss as well and won't achieve that without changing my diet. So do you use the online diet plan as well (which you have to pay for)? Also, I've never understood whether I'm supposed to do it every day…
  • I always turn to junk food when I'm stressed. Also been having a tough time lately and have gained around 10lb. So now as well as the stress I have the added discomfort of my clothes being too tight and not liking how I look. So don't follow my example!! Focus on your goals and why you want to be slim. Tell yourself that…
  • I'm in the same boat too. 3 years ago I was at goal weight (9st 12 at 5'6") and I more or less maintained for a year (went back up to 10st 3 but still looked and felt good). Then I got a new job which involved a crazy commute and no time to exercise and it slowly went back on. I've now switched jobs and since December I've…