mastdog Member


  • chew gum and drink lots of water
  • Hi, thanks for your response. I was sitting at 15stone4 this time last month which is the heaviest Ive ever been and I dont intend to ever go back to that. I can appreciate that a lot of this won't be fat loss but there has been a noticeable difference in my physique. The number on the scale is just a pleasant bonus at…
  • For example yesterday I actually consumed 0 grams of fiber and today I will be having 9grams. I had a little veg yesterday no grains though. I only really eat apples and grapes
  • how are you finding it? Are you doing any exercise aswell
  • Limits as most of my intake would usually be during breakfast and I am a very fussy eater
  • naa its not something I ever thought about until I started tracking what I was actually eating. One of my main struggles with IF is a lack of fibre so I think I will probably supplement that in.
  • Yes, I think when I schedule several meals in the temptation to overeat or add ina snack is too much for me so with IF I can just definitively say no im not going to eat during this window reducing the opportunity to binge. I dont seem to be able to get beneath my daily sugar limit though hmmm