Johnturner69 Member


  • Are you southern or just live in the south? The south is KNOWN for its fatty fried food, no need for you to try and argue that.
  • You always have a choice. If your family insist on Fried Fish, mash-potatoes and gravy. Then fry theirs and BAKE yours, keep a portion of the potatoes to the side for you and omit the fats and leave off the gravy. As you said you are doing the cooking so you are making the choices you are eating.
  • So expreller-pressed canola oil would be the exception to most canola oil in the US. Hexane solvent extraction, even if it is a valid concern, wouldn't be a legitimate reason to object to this product. If a company did try to get the rest of the oil from the canola, the resulting oil wouldn't be sold under the…
  • "So, you do understand that your first two sentences say that the particular ingredient listed in the vegan burger above (expeller-pressed canola oil) is produced without using a solvent, regardless of how "most" canola processing plants in North America extract the oil?" The first two sentences do not say Hexane is not…
  • Expeller pressing is a mechanical process. It doesn't involve solvents. [/quote] Expeller-Pressed Canola Oil Is Naturally Produced. Expeller-pressed canola oil is produced by mechanically squeezing (pressing) the oil from the canola seed using a unique double expeller-press process. In North America, most canola processing…
  • I feel you are being a bit argumentative but I will try and spell it out for you. 1. "Why do you need to know the brand to determine if the ingredients are healthy? " Without knowing the brand I can't know HOW MUCH of any of those ingredient are in the burger. As you argue later in your last post the AMOUNT not the…
  • I was not "fear mongering" without knowing which "popular vegan burger" you are speaking of it's impossible to know if it is healthy. I never said there are NO healthy meat alternatives. But I will say I could make that same burger using only ingredients that you actually know what they are. There is no reason to eat most…
  • I can't agree with Eric more. I was raised vegan for the first 13 years of my life. That being said, you can eat a whole box of Oreo's and a gallon of sweetened soy, nut, or rice milk and call yourself a vegan. ESPECIALLY if you are buying the "vegi" meat from your supermarket which is usually NOT healthy. I find a lot of…