bcnbuda Member


  • See, here’s what drives me crazy. I just finished a 30 minute elliptical workout and “earned” 260 calories but what MFP giveth it also taketh away and then some. See the screen shot, but +260 and -470 for a net negative of 210 calories. Now later at some point that -470 will change to some much lesser unknown number of…
  • Thanks for the replies. Glad it’s not just me. After submitting this post I did an elliptical workout and I didn’t see the same weird 470 negative calorie adjustment. I still lost 35 or 40 calories at the time of the workout but gained most of them back during the course of the day as my Move ring closed. Since the huge…
  • Sorry...Activity level - Not very active, in other words the lowest level of activity. I called it the wrong thing but the one that equates to sedentary
  • Lightly active/sedentary. I have a desk job but trying to exercise at least 30 - 45 minutes 5 times a week and do 5-7,000 steps per day. The AW closes my Move ring at about 6,000 steps. I have my Move calorie goal set to 600 and in MFP I have my step goal set to 5000. Not sure if that effects anything. I set that goal…
  • KISS - keep it so simple. I alternate the same two things for breakfast, Ezekiel 4:9 cinnamon raisin cereal 3/4 c w/ 1/2 c almond milk (315 cal) and a "Bob" McMuffin ( scrambled egg microwaved, 1 slice Canadian bacon, 1 slice reduced fat Swiss cheese, 1 whole wheat sandwich thin, 1 tsp Durkee famous sauce (300 cal). Lunch…
  • I often fix a smoothie for lunch. I would get too hungry if I had one for breakfast also. My recipe: 12 oz organic apple juice - 180 cal 3/4 c frozen berry medley - 80 cal 1 banana - 110 cal Ice for volume - 0 cal Total cal - 370
  • I'm allowed 1630 calories/day. I try to limit myself to 300 - 400 each for breakfast and lunch which leaves me a reasonable amount for dinner with my wife who likes to plan a meal together and that's her "major" meal every day or we'll eat out at places that I can determine beforehand what I can eat there and stay within…