sgm1168 Member


  • TheMom6Girls--I love that message--we are so hard on ourselves--we can't always put on our happy faces and sometimes we just make a mistake! Then we beat ourselves up far longer than the situation calls for. We are all on the same track--we all make mistakes. You are right--together we should be there for each other to…
  • coolchick207-- I think everyone perceives strength in you as a caregiver and I'm sure you are incredibly strong. But isn't it nice when someone remembers you are still a person and could use a little love and concern yourself? It is worth a million dollars when someone tells you to take care of YOU! That is a wonderful…
  • Welcome! Stay with us--we are here to help! The first step is the toughest isn't it? Those of us who have been there realize that by "starting back" you are . . . well, brave and amazing! Our mission here is to surround ourselves with kindness while recognizing that our fitness challenges may have more to do with not…
  • artbyrachelh: I can't speak for the group but for me, when my fitness doesn't include peace of heart and mind it feels just as bad as extra pounds. A healthy body--fit and trim--is hopefully one part, together with a happy heart and mind. Like this group has said, we have to get rid of the extra pounds AND the self-doubt…
  • HappyKat5--I really believe our struggles with fitness are impacted by the negativity. I think we take in all the negativity from around us. Sometimes it is as close as "friends," coworkers, or family and then it is even more difficult to find a peaceful space to build our personal strength and confidence.
  • Mom6Girls--This is your space too. Stay in touch. I started the thread because just as you said, things can get overwhelming and pretty rough. Every new person that jumps in here gives me a ray of hope that there are people out there that value kindness.
  • We already have nice things to say about you.
  • I am so inspired by all of you and your amazing effort to achieve fitness. Thank you for letting me share your journey! Enjoy your weekend!
  • Very relieved to find this group. I've maintained fitness for 14 years after last baby. But that baby has been sick for 2 years and. . . out the door went fitness. Now at 49.5 yrs. I am amazed at how hard this is to lose the 25 pounds gained (I'm 5 feet tall so for me, that's a lot of weight). Is this typical?…
  • Elenora thank you so much for sharing your story! I truly believe that we "absorb" the negative behavior thrown at us UNTIL we realize what is happening. I think once we realize that we don't have to take all of that in, things start to turn around. I do think though that this requires 2 things--first, you have to create…
  • HappyKat--Your description of holding the door is so spot on--we are rushing (and you could use someone helping you in that moment) and then you have to give one more thing and instead of breaking you, it gives you this energy that you didn't see coming. So cool.
  • I think it is really a matter of trial and error and very individual to everyone. That's a bit frustrating at times because we are so anxious to jump in and achieve our fitness goals. But if you look at this as a new lifestyle then you have all the time in the world and can enjoy the journey! I think you are doing great!
  • elenora--Oh my goodness, that is so terrible! Stay in this space with us and we will help each other! you are among friends here--please please share with us anything mind! I think those of us in this group share the same values and fitness goals and that has been a great fit for me! You will find lots of great people to…
  • An idea to consider: Yesterday night I set up a team (of 1 at that point) to walk for a local charity at the end of this month. I thought good exercise and at the same time helping out a good cause. Then I found myself texting some friends/family to see if they wanted to join me. Today I find myself emailing some friends…
  • California girl--so true--no matter what we have or don't have we are all human beings and have our share of human problems.
  • Enthusiast84: I love your description of "self-compassion." I'm impressed that you have been able to overcome this--so many of us are highly critical of ourselves. Do you think we do this to ourselves initially? Do you think we are built like this? Or do you think we absorb a lot of negative comments accumulated over the…
  • Today was a good day because of your kind words. Thank you.
  • corinasue--so sweet of you to say that but I think we landed here together because we all share the same values
  • Enthusiast84--That's so great--I'd love your advice on this given your experience.
  • dsboohead--so true.
  • There is a school of though that argues--when we start to think about how we can use or fitness to help others, we will finally achieve not only our physical fitness goals but our fitness totally--body, mind, and "spirit." I think that's the value of this community section of MFP--maybe?
  • I like that!
  • please feel free to add me. I just started a group under "motivation and support"--called "kindness matters." Take a look at that and weigh in if it is a good fit.
  • Exactly! And many of us (though not all) have not always been treated with kindness. It affects our view of ourselves and our desire to be fit and healthy. I think one of the goals more important than weight is consistency. Kindness has to do with why we are not consistent. If we can zoom in on those moments and help each…
  • It is terrible isn't it. Hormones are so tough. You have tried so hard. Your metabolism has slowed. The good news is you can boost your metabolism at any age (I am much older than you) so you can eat your couple of cookies a month with no problem. But it is such a stressful process, isn't it?
  • If you don't mind adding another :)
  • I'd like to join in--looks like a nice group
  • I believe you can just select "find members" at the top and send out friend requests using our usernames?
  • You are not alone! Let's do this!
  • Hi Denise, you are not alone! Let's do this!