Kindness Matters

While counting calories matters to most of us on a fitness journey, counting moments of kindness directed our way matters even more. One word of kindness is far more powerful in achieving fitness than 1200 calories. This group is for anyone that needs support but most importantly, simply needs the power of a kind word.


  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    I like that!
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    There is a school of though that argues--when we start to think about how we can use or fitness to help others, we will finally achieve not only our physical fitness goals but our fitness totally--body, mind, and "spirit." I think that's the value of this community section of MFP--maybe?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    @sgm1168 I think you are a sweetheart for starting this thread!
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    Great thead. Being kind to oneself is also so important! I've learnt a lot about self compassion over the last year which has done wonders for me.
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    dsboohead--so true.
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    Enthusiast84--That's so great--I'd love your advice on this given your experience.
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    corinasue--so sweet of you to say that but I think we landed here together because we all share the same values
  • DifferentView
    DifferentView Posts: 17,416 Member
    Great thread!
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    Today was a good day because of your kind words. Thank you.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    That is right. Everyone fights a battle you know nothing about, be kind. I love that quote.
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    sgm1168 wrote: »
    Enthusiast84--That's so great--I'd love your advice on this given your experience.

    There are some really good ted talks on self compassion on youtube which are really inspiring and pinterest has some really good quotes on self compassion.

    I think we can say things to ourselves which are so hurtful and comments that we would never say to another human being. Self compassion is being a good friend to yourself and being kind to yourself. For me having daily positive affirmations has really helped me to give myself a break, remember all the good I'm doing etc. I had no idea that self compassion existed until I was going through a period where I was being so overly critical of myself and in the bottom of my heart i knew it wasnt justified and it was a constant mental struggle where the negativity was cosuming my mind. Finally I thought enough is enough! That's when I discovered it and it's been a revelation.
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    Enthusiast84: I love your description of "self-compassion." I'm impressed that you have been able to overcome this--so many of us are highly critical of ourselves. Do you think we do this to ourselves initially? Do you think we are built like this? Or do you think we absorb a lot of negative comments accumulated over the years that are thrown our way? TedTalk is such a smart channel on YouTube--I'm going to look at this there per your advice. Thanks, I'm so glad I asked you about this!
  • sgm1168
    sgm1168 Posts: 34 Member
    California girl--so true--no matter what we have or don't have we are all human beings and have our share of human problems.