mizchikee Member


  • I have a great collection of 1800s era cast iron - love it!
  • I'm from the state of insanity.... ;)
  • I thought I'd try this, as I need to lose about 12 lbs after a trip to Italy and spinal fusion. Being severely restricted is KILLING me! I usually kayak several hours a week, run, cycle, weight lift, whatever, and now I have to watch it. 3 months post op, speed walking over 4 miles and starting lighter weights and a little…
  • Try Zevia for sugar free soda - it's sweetened with Stevia, has no color, and some tasty flavors. My personal faves are black cherry and grape.
  • Hey Purplepadres, have you tried goat's milk? It has a slightly different molecular setup (I'm not a scientist, nor do I play one on TV, so don't ask for a lot of details), so lactose intolerant people can often tolerate it. I like to down an 8 oz glass before be sometimes - I notice the next day that I'm not near as achy…
    in Dairy??? Comment by mizchikee June 2017
  • I recently got a Garmin Vivoactive HR, and I really like it. Yes, it's a little step happy, but the GPS is dead on accurate, and I even clocked accurate bike speed - my husband has a Garmin with full bike sensors, and he paced me on a bike with no sensors, so we could compare results. You can also pair it with Strava for…