Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 Actually I'm a complete opposite - I play individual sports and for 10 years went to gym solo, then randomly joined a spin studio and fell in love with spinning and circuit training, but it was a really particular studio, where everyone knows everyone.

    As it's summer, I will just push myself to work out with weights at home and cycle/run outside for cardio. I've tried all gyms where I'm living now, and none make me excited to go there. At the end at the moment my goal is still weightloss, not maintenance, so it is what it is and I just have to create that caloric deficit somehow. I will be back in my amazing spin studio in 6months, this will pass.

    If I still do the a workout today,tomorrow and during the weekend, activity wise I'm on track. It's the food that need sorting now.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    gymprincess, I've lost things I loved to do too & wanted them back so much. Several years ago I was addicted to racquetball. I met someone in my gym class who wanted to play with me. We played 5-6 days/wk for about a year & I loved it. Then she went on mission trip then got job after. I was SO frustrated. I used to cry over it & pretended to be casual while I asked other ppl if they ever played or would like to try but to no avail. I learned I need to mourn things I lose in life so I can move on otherwise I can't move on to acceptance so I can be open to new things to do.
    I mourned it for quite a while
  • mizchikee
    mizchikee Posts: 6 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Welcome cr6nd! I cut out soda as well! I was having at least one a day and sometimes 2... I went from reg soda to diet, to now, nothing! WATER! I do Arbonne Fizz Sticks sometimes too to help if I feel I need some carbonation! I still have a wicked sweet tooth though! Ugh! My dad is that way too, I think he rubs off on me! =) I love the mindless eating goal! I need to do that! I just ate my breakfast in front of my computer screen and barely realized I ate at all! Great goal!!

    Try Zevia for sugar free soda - it's sweetened with Stevia, has no color, and some tasty flavors. My personal faves are black cherry and grape.
  • mizchikee
    mizchikee Posts: 6 Member
    I thought I'd try this, as I need to lose about 12 lbs after a trip to Italy and spinal fusion. Being severely restricted is KILLING me! I usually kayak several hours a week, run, cycle, weight lift, whatever, and now I have to watch it. 3 months post op, speed walking over 4 miles and starting lighter weights and a little mild stretching, but I'm still at the no 'BLT' level, and nothing over 15 lbs. Can you say BORING?
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Evamutt that's how I feel :s
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time! Just do what you can. Pretty soon you'll have a new normal and then when you go back home you can start right where you left off!

    @Rachel0778 I'm glad you're feeling better! A date sounds awesome! I wish the DH and I could do something like that. Money's tight right now though. Got a ridiculously large bill I have to pay tomorrow. So this week is out of the question. Lol. But for most is the three years we've been married I was never able to spend my evenings at home with him. Now since I work normal hours I can and it still feels like I won the lottery almost six months later!

    @rachelbachel32 I'm not a huge gym fan either. I'll walk on the treadmill or ride a bike but I prefer to walk/hike/bike outside. We have a couple of really nice parks around here.

    @clicketykeys You debone that chicken girl!

    @No_Knock welcome! I am kind of a chunk on, chunk off kind of person too! But we are one heck of a support group for each other!

    @Evamutt I'm so sorry you lost your workout buddy! I would have mourned that loss too. I've never really worked out with anyone before. My husband and I go on short walks most nights but he's not up to the kind of walking I like to do.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    It's another boring day at work and I'm here for another 3.5 hours! I have Sunday and then Tuesday and Wednesday off next week. And the DH is off Tuesday as well! We very very rarely get days off together so that is going to be great.

    The DH has his endoscopy tomorrow and he's pretty worried. He's never had one before. The problem is that he is hypoglycemic. So if his appointment isn't until the afternoon and he can't have juice or anything, I'm not sure what we're gonna do. I have to ask the nurse when they call me today. So I'll keep you all updated on that.

    Something nice has been happening in the evenings. Long story short is that the DH and I go for a few short walks now. We never used to do that! It's been really nice.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Thank you! <3 And I hope everything's fine with your husband! I had an endoscopy recently, it's not that bad, I didn't fall asleep though or maybe did, the whole thing was a big blur.

    Talking health, I'm also stressed cause Monday I have thyroid ultrasound. After last year's one I was told I most likely have cancer (afterwards biopsy didn't find it), and that whole period of time was so traumatic as I'm only 23, I fear it will happen again, or that something has grown and now I will need an operation or therapy. Uhh, life's just a handful at the moment.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY Everyone!!! I'm so glad it's almost the weekend-I can't wait for date night tonight (and for this work day to be over!). Last night we were practicing skills at derby, and I am soooo sore so I'm definitely taking the day off today. I've had a great week so far calorie wise so I'm hoping to keep up my streak until my weeklong vacation starting next weekend. This weekend is going to be the perfect refresh to get me through to the following weekend's vacation. And tonight I finally get to go see WonderWoman in theaters (I heard it was absolutely amazing). I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend as well!

    @gymprincess1234 I'm sorry to hear about your possible thyroid cancer. I know it's hard to do, but try not to stress too much until there's something concrete to stress about. You've got enough things in your life right now!

    @HGSmith0920 I love being active with my SO too. It's so nice to have a partner there with you. I hope everything goes well with his endoscopy

    @mizchikee Welcome! What a 'BLT' level?

    @Evamutt Racketball sounds like so much fun! Is there a local league you can join?

    Welcome @No_Knock !

    @clicketykeys Bone in chicken is always way more delicious IMO too :)

    @rachelbachel32 I hope the morning workout goes well. I always love getting my workout out of the way in the morning because by the time I'm fully awake the workout is almost over!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Meme Friday!

  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Happy Meme Friday!


    LOL thanks for the rice krispie meme that just made my whole day in one picture!!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    *laugh* I love that MFP is female. Because of course she is! ;D
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Rachel - MFP would be horrified with me today - it's been a bad day food wise and she would not approve!! Hope you enjoy date night and going to see Wonder Woman - not been to see it myself but I've heard good things about it.

    @gymprincess1234 - so sorry to hear of such a horrible stress for you. I know it's easy to say but try not to worry too much - as Rachel says, you don't know yet if there is a problem. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

    @HGSmith0920 - hope all went well with the endoscopy. Love that you are both getting out for walks - I think it's so important to remember that fun things together don't have to come with a price tag on them.

    So glad it's Friday. I've spent the morning at a skills practice session for my coaching qualification - 6 of us in a room, put into pairs and then observed coaching each other. It came at a good time for me - my focus on the qualification has really slipped in the last couple of months and I needed today to remind me why I am doing it and that (according to feedback) I'm good at it. Struggling to get going for work now though. Not much planned for the weekend - swimming with Alistair tomorrow then going out to buy a new mattress on Sunday morning - not exciting but long overdue!! Hope you all have lovely weekends.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Fantastic! I am glad you had a great work out yesterday. Have fun seeing Wonder Woman. I am hoping to do the same this weekend. I love those Memes!

    @gymprincess1234 Hang in there, you can find something you love. Maybe try to find a way to incorporate exercise into exploring your new community.

    @hgsmith0920 It is wonderful having a partner that you can share with. GL on his surgery. Glad the boss decided you don’t need a meeting after all.

    @mizchikee, @No_Knock Welcome, and good luck.

    @janetay01 I bet you are good at it. I love having a relaxing weekend with not a lot planned.

    Yesterday, I had an awesome day exercise and calorie wise. Hoping to carry the calorie wise over to today. Taking it light on the exercise. Yesterday, I walked the treadmill at a good fast pace, roller skated for over 100 minutes, and ran for 50 minutes. That is the first time I have ever done that. We are rearranging bedrooms this weekend, have a birthday party to go to, and possibly date night with the BF. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    gymprincess, how traumatic waiting for test, I will be praying for you, if you don't mind. HGSmith, It's so great that you two like spending time together & you will be able to. I'm not so into racquetball any more, it's funny how we all change. I'm into the HIIT class now. I find it very difficult to exercise at home. I did start riding my bike without taking my dog before it got hot. I will get back to that when it cools off.Wow jdelaroy, I don't know how you did all that, very impressive, janetay01, it is good that came at the right time.Rachel10778, I want to see Wonder Woman too, Hope you have a great date. HGSmith, hope the endoscopy went well. I hate invasive procedures. My Dr kept bugging me to get one, so I finally went for the pre visit, got my pills & liquid, Dr reassured me & I started shaking on way home thinking about it & called & cancelled. I can't stand to be put to sleep in any way, except I take a benedryl before bed so i won't wake up so many times. I hope ya'll have a good week end. It's going to cool down to 100 tomorrow, then slowly to 95 next week. Tonights my HIIT classs. still haven't decided if I should go 2 days/wk instead of 3
  • Gymfanatic2017
    Gymfanatic2017 Posts: 218 Member
    Keep going
  • dflash33
    dflash33 Posts: 5 Member
    I lost a whole 1 lb this week. I've decided to jump up and down and be happy about it instead of disappointed. It's time to change the way I think and be happy about the small accomplishments. From now on my glass is half full!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    that's great dflash33!!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,355 Member
    I have been such a slacker on here lately! Trying to keep up reading everyone's post but never posting...I've been SO busy...between end of year at work (our year runs July-June) and planning/implementing/returning from vacation, I've been so swamped. It sounds like every has been super busy though, too. Welcome to all the new posters on here, congrats to those reporting successes, scale and non-scale. Best wishes to those with some struggles/challenges. Love the memes, @Rachel0778, you always make me smile.

    It is 6 am here and I've snuck away to put some time in here...hubs is still sleeping (wish I could sleep in on Sat, esp after a late night, but 5 am comes and I am wide awake), but I think we'll have a really busy day. We're planning on walking to our local farmers market (2 miles, both ways) and looking at what they have. We will probably have a restaurant breakfast, which may mean this crazy calorie-bomb place we found that is all doughnut, all the time. If I'd known, I would not have darkened their door...they do have a nice bar-rito (this is like a burrito for the spelling and alcohol challenged (they apparently stay open until 2 am, when the bars close) which is probably comparatively healthy (I say comparatively as I am comparing it to the chocolate toffee cheesecake filled, iced doughnut they serve). Then we've got errands and stuff to do, we'll make dinner for the 'rents...and we might go for another walk after the delivery. It was in the high 90's (not as bad as in CA, @Evamutt) all week and yesterday afternoon the temperature started dropping and I think it was in the 60's when we got home at 11:45.

    The local library hosted a free movie on the lawn last night--Lego Batman (hilarious) and there was a big party atmosphere, food trucks, popcorn, fun giveaways...they had a bunch of people show up in costumes (Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Marvel Girl, Thor), which was pretty fun. I'd gone to dinner with a friend I hadn't seen since the end of May (we usually hang out once a week) beforehand so I was pretty good at avoiding crap I didn't need to eat...but I'm not sure how good dinner was. Tasty, but no really good way to estimate calories--we have a ramen shop in town and they only have 4 entrees I can/will eat...I opted for what they call the Goddess, which is ramen with miso broth, microgreens, fried tofu and avocado. Tasty but probably pretty high cal, between the fried tofu, noodles and avo. Honestly, this month, I'm just shooting for maintenance (but lost .5 lbs the past week), vacation, gerd...just not up to fighting weightloss, too. Tracking, exercising, but not looking for a loss.

    Back a week now from vacation--half was in Door County, WI, looking at lighthouses (amazing) and hiking (challenging, and my foot was fine!!! sore some, but it held up!!) and being on boats ( boats)...which was really awesome. I took a ridiculous number of pictures (by that, I mean more than 600? Thank god I use a digital these days!). Visited several wineries and brought home, well, too much wine. Door County makes some nice wine. In self defense (some of you might remember we did a wine tour in the spring, as well), I'm giving some to my cousin, bestie and sister in law (when she visits--If you see this Mel, yes, you). The funny thing is I don't really drink a lot...If I drink a bottle of wine over the course of a week, it is a lot for me. Stopped at House on the Rock on the way back (if you're in the states, you should absolutely visit it some is a big pile of insanity), which is a giant house (built on a rock) that grew over the course of 30 or 40 years (or more) and the guy who built it was a bit of a hoarder and crammed all kinds of crazy stuff in it. Worlds largest carousel/collection of carousel horses, doll houses, weird sculpture, etc. We spent 5 1/2 hours walking around and the last hour we were really booking. It is really overwhelming but interesting. Oh, and two gorgeous Japanese style gardens.

    Then we had a few days for downtime. We planned to see Wonder Woman (the movie) and ended up seeing Guardians of the Galaxy V2, which was funny and fun. We'll get around to WW. I delivered the photos for the bride (whose wedding I helped shoot in April) and she was super happy. Gratifying, considering how much work we put in to it. Had Ethiopian, hung out with friends, celebrated 17 years of marriage. I'm not sure the vacation wasn't more exhausting than work...

    Okay, enough! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I'll try to do better about posting small things more frequently (rather than bombing you guys on Saturday mornings, which is what I usually do).
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @melaniedscott - Your vacation sounds awesome! But definitely packed. Haven't seen GotG2 yet, but I saw WW and REALLY liked it. Best DC movie in... uh ... since ... gosh, I don't know how long. I think the first Christopher Nolan Batman got slightly better reviews, but I tend to turn up my nose at any storyline that gives him a romantic interest. :P

    Way to go @dflash33!

    How did your HIIT class go @Evamutt?

    @jdelaroy - What did you end up doing for date night? Walking AND skating AND running definitely sounds like a thorough workout! Good job!

    I'm so glad you got that positive reinforcement @janetay01! How much longer will your training program take? What got you interested in it? Sounds like you've got a lovely weekend ahead of you :)

    @Rachel0778 - I'm going to hold my tongue on WW until you tell me what YOU thought of it. And derby practice - so you guys practice year-round? It sounds really neat, though I find competition really stressful. It's sad. I don't watch sports, and even when I'm watching my husband play Pac-Man I tense up because the ghosts are going to get you they're right there they're GOING TO GET YOU!! oh no you're okay.

    @gymprincess1234 - I hope your ultrasound helps the doctors determine what's going on with your thyroid and that it's easily treatable. Do you have one annually?

    Ooo, evening walks sound lovely, @HGSmith0920! Of course it's still in the 90s in the evening around here, sooo probably won't be doing that for a couple months, lol! Hope the endoscopy goes smoothly.

    So, yesterday was pretty interesting. It was an unbelievably slow day at the park - probably because of the storm that was due in the afternoon - so I got sent home SUPER early. But I still managed to get in all my water and like half my steps in the 3 hours I was on shift! Woot! And we did get to go to the gym, so I got a day of weights in. Got takeout from a J Gumbo's on the way to play games with friends in the evening. All in all, a really nice day. But I'm tired, lol! And today is one of the long days... 12-13 hours. Yikes! But I have my "weekend" coming up, so I'll be able to recover.