crisa90 Member


  • Thank you so much, hun!!
  • Thank you thank you thank youuuu!!!
  • Thank you!! It was suuuuuuuuper scary to be honest!! But I had my sights on training for a bodybuilding competition and my mentor— the person who got me out of this funk— told me I needed to gain more muscle. Since I was under his guidance, I trusted that he knew best. And don’t get me wrong, it was NO easy feat! I cried a…
  • [/quote] Hey! It’s really about if you feel that person is hearing what you have to say, listening and guiding you through it. My very good friend worked as a personal trainer at a gym I used to work at and he was my mentor when I started training. He had a way of knowing everything that I needed and really understood me…
  • I believe that lifting heavy (in the 8-10 rep range) will greatly help with muscle definition. When building muscle, you also have to focus on eating in a surplus— healthy food is better so you don’t gain TOO much excess fat. Once you’ve bulked for maybe 3 months, start incorporating HIIT workouts 15-20 mins 3x per week…
  • Yes! For me personally, I start eating at noon and stop eating at 8pm. During this time I choose high-quality Whole Foods and stick to a lot of protein. I eat normally, I stop when I’m full. But with intermittent fasting, you are encouraged to have a meal that is actually satisfying (not like a snack or small meal if…
  • Thank you so much for your sweet words. I can totally relate to the eating in private thing. I would never show anyone else what I was doing and would go out of my way to throw away my evidence in the garbage can down the street so nobody would know. It was painful and it was hard. I’m so happy you’re working through it…
  • You are so kind! Thank you! When I started healing- the thing that honestly helped me the most was filling up on protein. Any time I felt hungry it was protein first, then everything else followed. What I used to do was binge on sugary carby things like cupcakes and cookies. And as we all know, it’s SO easy to eat all of…
  • Hahahaha myfitnesspal blocked my booty out of the pic! Lol. Thank you, I did LOTSSSSS of heavy lifting and actually my legs and butt are the body parts that REFUSE to change! So I made it my life’s mission to train my lower body at least 3-4x a week with heavy squats and heavy leg press. The higher you put your legs on the…
  • Thank you so much!
  • Thank you for your love and support!
  • You are so sweet! Thank you so much for your support and kindness! That is my hope that people can read my message and know that there is help out there. All you have to do is ask.
  • Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. I am so happy that you’re working through all of your other hardships (I read your message- my heart goes out to you) and I am proud that you are staying so strong. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.
  • When I used to bulk, I would actually cry when it was my next time to eat something because it was so hard to! Lol. I never had an appetite! Yes, it’s true that higher fat foods are more calorie-dense and will therefore increase your overall daily calorie intake BUT with the high calories also come high fat. In my…
  • I absolutely HATE the unavoidable fat gain that I see when I’m bulking but honestly this just means you’re doing it right. You definitely don’t want to gain an abhorrent amount of fat as that is overdoing it, but in order to gain muscle you have to be at a calories surplus and gaining a little bit of fat means that muscles…