luv4learning Member


  • SW: 212# / 96 kg CW: 190# / 86 kg (-22# / 10kg) woohoo!!! GW: 145# / 65.8 kg
  • First Time to post...I started LCHF on June 1st. SW: 212 CW: 195 GW: 145
  • Yes, I get them. I spray magnesium oil on my feet and lower legs for a couple of days and it goes away!. Magnesium oil is one of the best ways for magnesium to be absorbed. DietDoctor suggests a cup or two of bouillon can help with sodium needs, too.
  • I love that the things I am going through, like the fact the scale will fluctuate a couple of pounds up or down for a couple of weeks than drop and do the same thing a little lower for the next couple of weeks, are being experienced by others. It makes me feel that it is normal.
  • Name (first only): Patricia State you live in: South Carolina What grade you teach: Elementary Principal Subjects you teach: Elementary How long you have been a teacher: 16 years Something fun and interesting: I love to be "crafty" and am trying to learn or relearn those "grandma" skills. You know, the ones our grand mamas…
  • I did it 2 years ago and loved the way it made me feel. I made the mistake of not taking it slow when i added things back. I need to go back and do a second round.