Jiren95 Member


  • I would set up a caloric goal and track your macros. When I started going gym, I didn't track my caloric intake, so when I did, I under ate by 1000 calories hence why I didn't gain anything significant for 3 months. So, I then decided to go on a bulk eating anything to reach my goal, and went from 110lbs to 145lbs (5'8) in…
  • It's exactly 90 days of hard training and nutrition in place. https://ibb.co/b4VZR5
  • I'm following a stronglifts 5x5 program (workout A and B). Monday (workout A) Squats Bench press Barbell row Cable triceps extension Skull crushers Wednesday (workout B) Squats Overhead press Deadlift Biceps curl Seated biceps curl Friday (workout A) Squats Bench press Barbell row I will take your advice and include…
  • 5'8 Male from UK SW: 50KG CW: 60.8kg GW: 73KG
  • This is awesome and I’m so proud of you. Wish you all the best!
  • Nice brah. How many calories are you currently eating?
  • 1) 1 cup of brown rice 2) 1 and a half cup of chicken 3) A half avocado *I also eat it with pecans to boost up my caloric intake* Total calories: around 720 to 740 Carbs: 52g Fat: 28g Protein: 78g