I had a dream that I was a major chef at a very prestigious hotel. I had to get up early and make a couple hundred plates of breakfast that were to be sent out to each individual room. The breakfast was a plate of fruit like strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries that were drizzled in a camembert and again with a rich…
That sounds mega delicious. I don't know that could eat 4 eggs though
Yes I think that's my new policy as well. I'll just wrap stuff in lettuce instead.
Not sure what type of diet you are on.. but I have made nachos with terra veggie chips! Or sweet potato chips. Cheesey. Lots of spice and cilantro bite.
It's also worth noting I have 70 more pounds to lose and am on a challenge to lose 20 of it by thanksgiving
Lol thank you for the face compliment, but I am going from 260 to 145. Currently at 220. I wish I only had 20 pounds to lose. But I am hoping to lose twenty by thanksgiving. By then I'll still have 55 more to go
P.s. I am losing around 1 pound per week. Maybe 1.5 pounds. I like the slower rate tbh.
Okay I think I'm ready to go to a doctor. I'm the type of person to ignore things until they go away before I see a doctor. A bad way to be but old habbits die hard. I'll update. I think I probably am pretty low on vitamin D though.
Okay A little more information I am not active at all. I walk some every day but not enough to be called exercise. (No elevated heart rate.) I physically can not get over how tired I am. I can sleep for 16+ hours and will if left alone. I can't keep a job, because I can't keep a schedule. So I work on the computer from…
I'm in! My goal is to hit 145lbs. I am currently 226lbs and i started at 260lbs. If I could reach my 200lb checkpoint by then I will be so happy!! I am female, 5'6" , 23years old. Tired of wasting My twenties being so overweight
My small victory is that I lost 2 inches since July