kiramckell Member


  • Yes I am. My doc put me on this specifically because my sertraline is messing with my hormones so badly that my body is holding on to everything it can. When I’m not on it, my body goes back to normal very quickly but the depression is too severe to stop treatment. He’s advised me to slowly lower my doe until I’m at half…
  • I’ve been taking orlistat for about a week now as an addition to my sertraline to try to stop the weight gain. I have been more constipated now than ever and after reading these stories I’m not taking any more. I follow a mostly plant based diet and have been instructed to keep my intake below 1700 calories. Even still,…
  • Thank you.
  • I've used a couple different mindfulness apps. I liked one of them, but they started limiting what you could use for free and since I might lose my job, can't spend money on apps...
  • I got mine on amazon!
  • I have tried oils and I actually have a couple of necklaces but I haven't tried grapefruit. I'll have to see if I can find some. I've used all the other citrus ones since they're supposed to help with sadness and be uplifting. When I need it most is when I'm at work but I can't wear jewelry in the warehouse :/
  • I used to use headspace! Didn't stay with it though, didn't really notice anything from it.
  • I do that too! I'll set a timer and force myself to do some housework or something for 10-20 minutes everyday. I just don't see how living this way every day for the rest of my life is worth it you know? If it's not possible to ever actually defeat these illnesses, why try so hard? I hate how everyone I work with can do…
  • I actually did used to volunteer at an animal shelter regularly because it helps a lot of people but it didn't really help me. Being out in the world a lot exhausts me and I find that having a lot of alone time is when I start to function a little better.
  • I see my dr regularly. I've been medicated for years and tried them all. I wish they could just cure it instead of treating it.
  • I enjoy alone time too. But I don't enjoy doing things or going places. If I could just lay in bed forever I would.
  • Yes and yes
  • I have severe clinical depression. The most I can get myself to do is like 10 minutes a day and that won't give me visible results. I need advice other than food journaling and the other usual things. Anyone have any unconventional methods of motivating/pushing through? Really desperate.