EmiFry3 Member


  • I'm a new mom as well! The struggle is real trying to find a balance. Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • Hello! 6(almost) weeks post partum here! I understand your struggles 100%! I started my fitness journey before getting pregnant and I really want to get back to exercising daily because I truly love it! It is just so hard to do with a newborn! Anyone feel free to add me! I always love new friends!
  • That headache you are feeling is most likely a caffeine withdrawal symptom! I switched to black coffee and drank lots and lots of water!
  • New mom here! My little one is just over a month old. Would love any advice, tips and tricks as I am struggling to even eat breakfast most days.
  • Hey! My name is Emily, I would like to lose about 80 more pounds after losing 20 already! I am a new mom so I am having a hard time adjusting to my new life. Anyone feel free to add me! I always want new friends!
  • They ALL sound sooo good
  • Hello! I am down 18lbs and have about 60 more to go. Anyone can add me!
  • We are in the same boat. My miscarriage (1 year ago Sept. 9) caused me to fall into a depression and I gained 20lbs. I was overweight before adding the extra 20 I want to lose more and better myself before trying again.