kieran19802017 Member


  • Well done manda. I, like you, having been using this app for only 1 week after downloading it a few years ago. My first weigh in will be Monday morning. I think it should be positive as I notice I've lost some waist size already. I too am trying to get to 60kg or ther abouts. I started at 70kg last week. So fingers crossed.
  • We are here for you whenever you want buddy. The best of luck.
  • Nice one buddy cheers. Consistentcy is key, I was doing well at the start of the summer but then I went of the rails a bit and went back to square one. This time I'm taking no prisoners
  • What's up dude? You might be the kinda chap I'm looking for. I need to shed *kitten* loads of body fat. I don't want to get too big as I'm a short guy 5'6. I'd like to get lean and ripped. A bit like you. Any tips would be great. I downloaded a nutrition plan. It has me eating in and around 2,200 cals per day. I think…