lizga17 Member


  • I confess....i really want to start working because my baby makes me feel like a sofa/rest/spa/therapist and cant do anything (cleaning, bathing, pooping, nothing) till my husband comes. I love her soooo much...but (here comes the excuse) i dont have anyone tontalk to friends..well i got one but shes so…
  • happened to me lol 2 weeks from birth lost 90% of baby weight i was just 6 lbs away...and then boom!!! Started eating alot more.
  • Idk how to reply one by one... But...i did eat real meal. I cook everyday, but I guess what I cook I was eating eat really late like 4 or 5pm...and I'm Cuban so our meals tend to be really heavy example: black beans, rice, fried plantains < chick peas, rice, banana, maybe a salad< ribs in tomato sauce, rice, lettuce...and…
  • I know 1100 calorie diet is low but considering i only ate once a day isnt it a good start? I want to increase the calorie intake every 2 weeks so my body can get adjusted slowly. Im on phen because I ...its hard for me to not eat a chocolate or anything sugary. I had a baby 3 months ago, and when i get stressed tootsie…