DrummerGavin Member


  • I feel a lot better about the balance with everyone's feedback! I am going to hit my macros and micros daily and just "fill" the rest. I've lost about a pound and a half a week over the last 10 weeks and am almost down to my weight I was 8 years ago. I'm gonna keep lifting 3 days a week and doing construction so I know I'm…
  • That article was extremely helpful and reiterated a lot of what has been said here today. Thanks!
  • I found an interesting article. Check it out. Recomp vs bulk vs cut http://www.fitnessrxformen.com/training/workout-tips/recomping-vs-bulking-and-cutting-which-one-is-best/
  • I'm barely 3 months in and still gaining strength weekly or at least by weekly. I like the idea of waiting for a plateau and then surplusing after to start bulking. The more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know! I want to be as efficient as possible so this community has given me a lot to consider and some…
  • Here's a couple recent pics
  • Where can I go to get those tests done? I can't even correctly calculate my BMI. With an athletic build at 6'2" and 193 a normal "chart" puts me at like 26%. I know I still have fat to lose but I'm guessing I'm closer to 18 - 20. My new smart scale put me in the obese range!
  • I think you may be right. I'm guessing I've lost 14lbs of fat and maybe put on one or two lbs of lean muscle. Thank you for your insight!!
  • I've been really good the following day. I actually get pissed when I'm not sore or a bit tight. It makes me feel like I didn't push hard enough. Before I started incorporating full body my workouts (push or pull) were about 55 min - 105 max. Since the full body or days I do 10x10's is goes from about an hour 35 to an hour…
  • I've been pyramiding 12,10,8,6 with a 60 second rest between then cutting my max weight to 60% and doing a last set of 12 after a 2 minute rest. Recently I've tried the 10x10's at about 70% max and really liked it (makes workouts about an hour and 40!!). I've also done heavy days (max 3-5 reps and 4-5 sets). I actually…
  • I will start taking measurements! I've just started working on a personal training certificate via ISSA and am going to use my own body first to learn from. This community is very helpful in getting me started and I know I have a lot to learn but there is so much info out there I really needed a jump off point. Thanks…
  • Thank you. I realize this is a life long journey that I want to make and am not in a rush... I just want to be realistic. Thanks for everyone's advice!! Much appreciated!
  • So if I continue my lifting routine of 3 days a week (full body push pull push week one and pull push pull for week two) at a high intensity and supplement properly... when is it realistic to expect real growth? I understand that everyone is different and there are countless variables but still.
  • Lol! Thanks piperdown44! I can definitely do that. I am hitting the micro and macro numbers and damn do I miss a good burger!! *kitten*, now I'm hungry!
  • I am new to this so I'm not even sure myself. I would like to gain muscle mass and lose the little belly fat I have left. I'm not concerned with a weight number per se, but would like to be bigger and stronger and not in a "freshly pumped" kind of way but real strength and real gains. I do know that you get a ton more…
  • I know that I am making gains and not just losing fat alone because not only am I starting to bust the sleeves on my t-shirts but I've also doubled my strength in that 10 weeks. I've never really had any fat surrounding muscle except for my ab section and not even there until about 5 years ago. I've always had a very good…
  • So I guess I don't have to. I thought that was how proper nutrition works. I've cut out most sugars and salt and stopped eating fast food. I've only had a few meals like a cheese burger or fried foods rarely in the last few months. Are you saying that I can have more of those types of meals if I'm hitting my numbers?? I've…
  • I guess a clean calorie would be lean meats, healthy carbs (brown rice, etc) and plenty of nuts, avocados, and healthy fats and veggies. Protein shakes and 400 calorie replacement meals. I feel like I'm eating all day (every 2-3 hours and I can't keep up with my recommended 3000. And that's just a maintain goal. Gaining…
  • Thanks so much. I'm at a point to where my weight (the actual number) doesn't matter to me. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat so where I end up (185 or 215) is moot. I'm shooting for "men's physique" and not bigger. So... I have zero idea of what my "goal weight" should be. All I know is I want to lose fat!
  • Awesome!! Great advice, thanks!!
  • Update: so I ended up having to take 1 1/2 weeks off but was finally able to get back in the gym today and had a great workout. I couldn't do crunches though. Ribs are back to about 80%. I tried last Wednesday and couldn't lift 1/2 of my normal program lifts (push or pull). After 15 minutes I left pretty down and…
  • Yeah, I've decided I just own a $26 scale so at least it works for that and I didn't spend a ton. Thanks!
  • Even if I did break a rib (I really thing it's the cartilage) I'm pretty sure there's nothing a doctor can do. I think I'll just rest it a few days. Thanks for everyone's response!!
  • I just think it's weird that I popped a rib with an leg exercise where I'm laying down essentially.
  • Hi! I also suffer from depression but have found that since I started my workouts (lifting 3 days a week) that I've had zero signs or episodes. I haven't had any medications or any other form of therapy that has helped me like eating right and exercising!! Hoping the same for you! Keep pushing and moving forward!!