I have multiple medical conditions, including a severe allergy to exercise (I know it sounds made up), it is possible to lose weight through diet alone, it’ll take longer but it’s not impossible. Take it one day at a time and if you find your goal overwhelming break it down into mini parts instead. Look out for nsv (non…
Belgium by bowling for soup
Make sure to keep an eye out for none scale wins too. Things like not being as out of breath doing an exercise you previously struggled with, clothes feeling looser/going down a clothing size even though the scale says you stayed the same weigh, logging in daily (you’ll get a buzz watching your physical progress show in…
Feel free to add me
To be honest just do what you can, small steps are key. If you can’t go outside for a walk walk inside your house on the spot for 10 mins. People seem to think when they start a new diet and exercise regime that you must go 1000%, but in all truth if you simply eat a bit less and move a bit more the weigh will go down, as…
I’m already friends with a few of you but feel free to add me. I’m in Leeds
Day 2 wrist recuperation, I’ve already ditched the sling because it was driving me mad. This is going to be a really long week 😩
Rare occasion I’m not in sports gear
I’m in Leeds, but I think I’m already friends with most of you 😂 anyone whose not feel free to friend request me
Ha ha, I’ve just seen what you mean 😂
I have but it’s not got enough data for full proof of it working unfortunately. Plus fun fact, I have zero tattoos or piercings 😀
Ok, so I don’t have a brain injury but I do have a similar experience to yours. Several years ago after the birth of my youngest child (now 8) I used to be ridiculously healthy, worked out constantly had slimmed straight back down to my pre baby weight/body. 8 weeks after she was born my immune system malfunctioned and I…
My forehead will itch for a bit and I might get a headache later but for the sake of not living with migraines it’s worth it
Hi, I’m 33, mum of three eldest is nearly 16, youngest is nearly 9. I’ve sent you a friend request.
Feel free to add me, I’m currently working towards my four figure logging streak and give support to all my mfp friends
Hi, I’m 33, based in Leeds. I’ve sent you all friend requests
Survived the first day of home schooling with both by hair and my dry January promise intact. I can’t say the same for tomorrow 😀
I was soooo tempted 😂
I just had to look up this challenge and I backed out before I’d even read all the challenge aspects 😂 well done for getting so far with it
That’s the worst part, she spent a few mins gloating that she outsmarted me with science 😂
Took the youngest out for a quick walk to post a letter, in 0 degrees
I’m in, the last time I had a drink was Xmas day so even though it’s the 2/12 where I am I’m still in dry January. I’ve found over the past 6 months my drinking has crept up, to the stage of maybe one bottle of rose a week, for someone on as many medications as I take that’s probably not advisable if I’m honest
Leeds, England
Leeds, England
Ask yourself how long did it take you to put on 40kg (presuming you’re 40kg overweight)? If it wasn’t overnight don’t expect to lose it that fast too. This isn’t going to be a quick process to lose and heavily restricting your calories in order to try lose faster is more than likely going to have the opposite effect…
I’ve sent you another, mfp broke last night and still won’t let me accept friend requests, so it denied/failed the one you sent me
Welcome, I’ll send you a friend request