Angel49kitty Member


  • I think that's why I actually enjoy when people correct me or teach me something new. And sometimes there's a middle ground where our opinions or knowledge cross, and both parties (or however many people) benefit. :)
  • Oh shoot, sorry, I must have misread the posts! Thanks for correcting me. :)
  • Well, I feel silly, I clearly remembered them incorrectly. My sincerest apologies! Thanks for taking the time to double-check with me (without calling me a liar or an idiot, as the majority of the internet would have).
  • I've re-read the community guidelines specifying that I "may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise" and I don't feel like I fit that category. My blog will never be asking to receive donations, nor looking for…
  • My apologies, I missed that regulation and I can't edit my original post anymore! (My apologies to the forum members/staff). I'll remember from now on, thank you. I also appreciate your compliment/admiration!
  • Commenting on someone's weight and being degrading are two entirely different things. I've had comments like "Hey, have you lost weight? You look really good." and I don't mind, because they're positive reinforcement. However, if anyone ever told me that I "still need to lose 10 to 20 pounds" when overweight (because the…
  • I have a tendency to date people who find me beautiful despite my curvier, heavy-set body shape OR have the opinion of "I accept you as you are, and if you want to change then I support you" and that I should make sure I'm losing weight for myself and not to be attractive to others. Exception being my last ex who wasn't…
  • They were general studies about high protein diets (I don't believe they were calorie deficit though). The University published article about research for excess protein intake: Apparently I was remembering incorrectly and two were from medical sites/journals, not…
  • (Sorry for double post!) In regards to the conversations about cheap/expensive living; I have to live in a high cost-of-living city because I need access to the hospital and specialist doctors available there. I don't get food stamps, but I get a cheque every month for about a grand intended to cover all my costs. That…
  • I know your post was in response to someone else's (which I'm not going to address because that's a whole other can of worms, haha) but I just wanted to clarify something: obesity can be caused by medical conditions and medications, too, not just eating habits. However, it's up to each individual to find a way to…
  • This is definitely a difficult topic, for sure. There are a lot of factors: thyroid, medications, genetics, illness, diet, exercise, etc. How do you draw the line between "this person is only overweight because of their thyroid which they have no choice about" and "this person is overweight because they decide to eat at…
  • Aww, thank you so much!
  • I read three research results from universities that each concluded processing excess protein is difficult on the kidneys, which also dehydrates you (as your body takes away water to flush the kidneys), and confirmed that excess protein stores into fat.
  • The summary of the study results is that, regardless of body mass index (a calculation to estimate someone's body fat), people who were metabolically unhealthy (metabolism being the chemical processes in your body that maintain your life) were much more likely to have heart disease, but those who were overweight were much…
  • Controversial opinion warning: As someone with an impaired immune system, those who don't protect themselves aren't just risking their own health, they're putting people like me (also infants and elderly) at risk. Usually because of something like "well, my cousin Sheila read this article saying someone in Detroit got sick…
  • I'm a bit disappointed in the people who think vitamins are irrelevant/unnecessary. There are actual illnesses that are proven to affect people's vitamin levels. For example, I have iron-deficiency anemia because my small intestine doesn't absorb nutrients properly due to celiac disease (an uncommon condition). Without…
  • It used to to a problem for me. I was very underweight for about five years while I worked as a model, and am still technically anorexic (while classified as an eating disorder, anorexia is actually entirely mental - it is characterized by being obsessed with weight loss/being thin; actually being thin is merely a result…
  • Note to everyone aiming for 8+ lbs lost each month: I work with a nutritionist and personal trainer (who has a masters in science) and they warn to be careful because that's actually considered rapid weight loss. The recommend weight loss by professionals (if you're not a body builder or professional athlete) is no more…
  • Here's the thing that my nutritionist and my brother (personal trainer with masters in rehabilitation science) both say: NEVER put an extreme limit on your calorie intake, ESPECIALLY if you're doing any sort of fitness/exercising. Most calorie-limiting diets are scientifically proven to be ineffective simply because of our…
  • Hey guys, this is too intense for me, so just wishing you all luck! Remember to stretch out your legs before/after since this is a pretty intense increment workout! Otherwise you could pull something, and that would suck.