Subrisii Member


  • I would greatly appreciate being adopted! I'm a 24 year old woman who needs to lose about 80 lbs. I worked out to be fit years ago and managed to lose a fair amount of weight, but a happy marriage has definitely made me gain some comfort pounds back. I want to get healthier and not have to huff and puff my way up a…
  • One stone shouldn't be too much trouble, but I wish you the best of luck nonetheless! Let me know if there's anything else you have questions about and I'll do my best to help you out!
  • In my personal opinion, 1200 calories in a day isn't enough to sustain a person healthily, especially if you're working out 3-4 times a week. Unfortunately MFP only allots calories for cardio and not really strength building unless you have Premium, but I believe there should be a way to quick-add calories burned to your…
  • Welcome to the site! I totally understand the discouragement, but a friend of mine once told me something that I felt made a lot of sense, and it might to you, too. "It didn't take a week to put on all that weight, so it won't take a week for it to go away." After the first 10-20 lbs, it's much harder to lose weight, but…
  • I'm about 6lbs into losing 80, as well! Feel free to add me if you'd like to lose together! Good luck!!~
  • You're very welcome! I'm relatively new myself, so I found out days afterwards that you can track your exercises, too! I would definitely suggest doing that so you can make sure you're consuming the proper amount of calories, as lowering your intake of calories and increasing your workouts can cause your metabolism to slow…
  • Hey, welcome to MFP! I totally understand where you're coming from in terms of trying to lost weight, I've been overweight practically my entire life, but I'm trying to better myself by improving my health! Feel free to add me if you'd like someone to talk to about your goals!
  • Hey, welcome to MFP! I've noticed that counting calories is definitely a great way to help monitor how much you're eating and adjust accordingly, but having a goal is definitely the best way to keep yourself going! May I ask what you're counting the calories for, ie. losing or gaining weight, gaining muscle, etc?
  • Hey there! I'd be happy to add you so we can help each other out. I'm currently trying to lose about 80 lbs, so I' be happy to go back and forth, trying to keep each other on track!
  • That's awesome, I wish you the best of luck! Congrats on your last 40!!
  • Congrats on your weight loss! I'm trying to lose 80 lbs right now, so feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Oh my gosh, I would love to be able to go back to Mexico, it's so beautiful down there! Good luck! May I ask how much you're trying to lose?
  • Hey, we're pretty similar in stats! If you don't have a partner, I'd be happy to pair up with you!
  • My name is Krysti and I'm 24 from Florida. I work fulltime at a call center, so I basically spend 1/3 of my days cooped up in an office that doesn't require physical activity. I'm not the most active in terms of exercise and my gym membership has been rotting away these last couple months. My husband is a sweetheart, but…
  • I'm (kinda) glad to hear that I'm not the only one to fall off the wagon, and I really appreciate the praise! I'm hoping all this work pays off! @Aplant77 I'd be happy to add you to keep track with you!