Kwee91 Member


  • Thank you so much! That makes complete sense. I was having such a hard time figuring it out haha
  • Thanks everyone! My tattoo artist basically told me to stay out of shoes for as long as possible unless I had to wear them. But she said to wrap it in gauze and use tape and then put a sock over it. I think I will give it another week though because it’s still scabbing some and peeling. Thanks again!
  • Good! I'm good at controlling myself when it comes to overeating. Not breastfeeding, sadly. According to my FitBit I'm burning anywhere from 2300-2500 calories a day and I'm eating 1490 which is what MFP recommended although sometimes I do eat a little more if I burn more.
  • Since week 5. But I just weighed myself it said I’ve lost 7lbs. So maybe it’s working and I’m just not noticing yet.
  • So as long as I can control my appetite and make healthy choices I'm hoping it helps. Thank you!
  • I'm eating 1490, which is what MFP suggested. I work out at least 3 times a week for about an hour and a half but I've been trying 5 days a week. Yes to the food scale and no to breastfeeding.