charlzmartin12 Member


  • I'm here for support and to be supportive. As for goals, my suggestion is to make daily goals that lead to the higher goal. I don't want to miss the joy of the journey. I want to enjoy every step along the way so that when I reach my longer term goal I will still have motivation to keep going. You gotta love the journey…
  • I know your story all too well. I've yo-yo'ed for years but one vital lesson I've learned is to love and accept yourself. You're not a bad person because you let go and regained weight! Be easy on yourself, say positive words and affirmations to yourself, set your goals and EACH DAY hold yourself accountable without…
  • Please add me. I'm Charles and I use weights to build my physique. Several years ago I lost 188 lbs through diet and exercise with a personal trainer. I put back on a lot in the last year, ballooning to 295. Since then, through intermittent fasting, I'm now at 262. The problem is that I'm stuck at this weight from eating…
  • Hi, I'm Charles. Just decided to use this tool to reach my goal. I've lost a lot in the past but need to loose about 20 pounds now. Just looking to connect, support and be supported.