kalyandc Member


  • In my case the culprit turned out to be the wrong max heart rate value. It predicted very low max heart rate and as a result the HR zones were too low and thus the higher calorie estimates.
  • That's what I thought too. But in general, do you trust these nutrition labels from fast food companies? It looks like a mere 30 calories difference but it amounts to 30%
  • Calories in > Calories spend = weight gain; Calories in < Calories spend = weight loss. having said that maintaining calorific deficient, in long term, is not possible with high carb/fat diet. After all there is only so much you can push with willpower. So that is where whole/protein rich foods come into play, for long…
  • Congratulations and good luck for 2018.
  • What do you want to use it for, weight loss? Nothing beats caloric restriction when it comes to loose weight.
  • No, it can't replace strength training. Yoga is great, yoga has lot of benefits, yoga is healthy BUT yoga is not strength training no matter which version you use.
  • Eat whatever you want as long as it is within the daily calorie limit. For instance I like high carb diet so i spend most of calories on carbs but i make sure i eat the MINIMUM required amounts of protein and fat. That way I eat what i love while meeting my macro requirements. I found this diet is much easier to maintain…
  • Are you correcting your diet for the steps you are taking? Because the step count and the associated calorie burn can be grossly overestimated by the apps and smartwatches. So that can be one reason. 7 lbs in 6 weeks is a very good progress. Unless you don't notice weight loss for 3-4 continuous weeks you don't have to…
  • I have started 5 weeks ago on quest to loose 25 kilos. Lost 5 kilos so far