pezen007 Member


  • Thanks for the replies, but I had a stagnant period for 3 months. July Aug September and a October passes and I only lost 3kg in total for those months. I tweaked my diet, I am averaging 2000-2200 calories per day not 1200 as stated. Yes I am eating a lot of raw foods with the odd treat here or there like a muesli bar but…
  • I have been at it for 12 months exactly but only started using MFP 2 weeks ago. In that 12 months I attempted to weigh myself once a week. I tried to weigh myself on the same day at the same time every week. There were times that I lost 0.5 kg, there were times I stayed the same there were weeks where I put on 0.5 kg. Then…
  • Outstanding comments and advice. I really appreciate the feedback and welcome your experiences. For the record, I hopped on the bike today with the intentions to established a basis and rode for 20 minutes, at a steady pace. My chest felt a bit funny took a couple of deep breaths but not to the extent where I was…
  • I like your thoughts this seems like a sensible way to go. Seems very logical and tailored to my current fitness level.
  • So Cycling at a single pace for different lengths of time and build up the time spent on the bike over the next 3 months. E.g week1 spend 10 Min on bike 3 times a week. Week 2 spend 13 Min 3 times per week. Week 3 spend 15 Min e.t.c?
  • Firstly thanks for your replys, Throughout the year it would take me more than a week to recover from that one day of interval training so its not a typo. I'm estimating that to be an average. Strangely there were weeks when I coped week by week, howeverand if I tried to do the routine 3 days later
  • Hi I couldn't agree more with you, I used to write down by hand on scrapper paper my menu for the day and lookup calories+estimate. This is so user friendly.
  • Cheers for the encouragement ironjay37, I reckon you bring up a super point that of being mentally fit, the ancient Greeks had the philosophy healthy mind = healthy body. I tended to experience frustration and anger in terms of my weight by starting and never being strong enough, maintaining discipline. So many years…
  • Weighing food is a process that I began to do 2 weeks ago. At the moment from 140kg to 100kg I'm averaging 180g of protein plus 180g of select vegetables. Once I reach 100kg my understanding is the weights will drop to approx 100g. Carbs to a minimum, I think the problem was to much olive oil and buttering my diet…
  • Very true, I have noticed big changes in my body shape, I just weighed myself and had great success today. The past 12 months I was on the 5-2 diet which yielded me success, I have since changed using the app and eating foods my body can break down the quickest and eating only 3 times a day. Sometimes I get ahead of myself…
  • Cheers for the encouragement, I find it amazing how the human body responds and how we as humans are trying to find the ideal way to make it operate safely and efficiently!