I've lost the same 2 pounds everyday for a year from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
I'm 1/2 way to and 60 # over my goal. What they don't tell you is that you'll have to do this diet / exercise thing for the rest of your life.
I'm 71. I've been losing weight for a year. Yes, losing weight is a challenge. You are doing fine. What does your doctor say about what is a good weight for you? It might be nice to know what is a good weight to shoot for from a health standpoint.
I think part of the problem is two fold. 1. Manufacturers make more money selling gym equipment than telling you to count calories. 2. Packaged food providers make more money selling you prepackaged food than telling you to go get a BMI table and figure out how many calories you can eat a day and lose 1# / week. (Thank…
Congrats on your progress to date. It's better and faster results than I managed. But, after a year in a diabetes prevention / mitigation class (i.e. [affectionately called] Fat Class), I've come to believe that weight loss at its simplest is calories in < calories out. And, if you reach a plateau - and you will, to get…
Yep, I'm starting over - right after I get off this cruise. Right now, I've got at least 65 pounds to go to target. Best of luck on your start over.
A letter from my doctor that said, loosely translated, if I didn't get my act together I'd die a lingering and painful death. Still have a way to go.
Just use the myfitnesspal web site and up date your numbers as you lose weight. My doctor would recommend something else. ( Target Wt in lbs x 12 = calories / day or about 2700 cals per day) But, that's just a rule of thumb. Just a rough guess. But it looks as if you need to intake about 3400 calories a day to maintain…
Not my opinion; but, this is my doctor's opinion. And, it is unpopular in some circles. That is, if you take in fewer calories than are needed to maintain your body weight, you'll lose weight. I've never heard so many dissenting opinions to such an assertion - except for some political discussions.
Lower my A1C numbers and avoid diabetes. Secondary goal is to get to an acceptable (not overweight) BMI number.
The only problem with a lifestyle change is you have to do it for the rest of your life. But, just because you hit a rough patch is no reason to throw all your progress in the can and swear off trying to make it to your goal. (Notice this post is more for me than you.) Best of luck.
OK. This is just the reverse of my problem. But the rules still apply. The more weight you gain, the more calories you need to maintain that weight. So unless you increase your calorie intake above what you are doing now - or decrease the amount of exercise - the slower you'll gain weight and the longer it'll take to get…
Well, the doctor was happy. My A1C numbers were a lot lower and he didn't think I'd develop diabetes, ever. The Fat Class instructors were enthused. I guess because that's their job, and because their class "worked" if I lost weight. Additionally, I guess it helped get insurance company funding for the program. DW…
I took a trip to Alaska. They had weight restrictions on the airplane rides over the glaciers. I didn't feel offended at all when they wouldn't take me on that plane ride. Came home and went on a diet.
Yes, he gave it to me straight. He said I was old and fat and if I didn't get my stuff together I'd die a painful and lingering death. And he didn't want to fight it with pills because I was too lazy to get off my butt and take the necessary steps to get back on track.
I was thinking about going in to hibernation about now and emerging sometime in the Spring. Seems like the only way for me.