What is YOUR Holiday eating strategy?



  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    "It’s not what you eat between Christmas and New Years, it’s what you eat between New Year’s and Christmas".

    I love this so much!! I often say the same about exercise/general weight loss: great to get in the gym for an hour a day, but what happens in the other 23 hours is what matters most.
  • nndarden
    nndarden Posts: 16 Member
    I was thinking about going in to hibernation about now and emerging sometime in the Spring. Seems like the only way for me.
  • Cyprus_Girl84
    Cyprus_Girl84 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't treat holidays any differently from any other day. If I know I'm going to have a Thanksgiving meal, I'll have a light breakfast and skip lunch so that I don't go over on my calories. I never get seconds. But I don't do "cheat days" ever. Not overeating is a lifestyle that I commit to 365/days a year. It's not for everyone, but that is just how I do it. Everyone has to find what works for them as an individual! <3
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    I officially started my weight loss after New Years this year. So, I haven’t really decided quite what I want to do. I’m thinking I will just eat at maintenance on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. I’m going to have to be most careful with leftovers!! That is my downfall. I can’t do too much damage with a couple of big meals, but snacking on leftovers can add up quickly.
  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    Halloween: Last year I threw candy corn at people...literally. Treating junk food just like it is...junk...kept me from nibbling on it. Plus, I THREW FREAKING CANDY CORN AT PEOPLE! How fun is that?! Very! I even got into a fun-sized candy fight with one of my cousins....I'm not right in the head ya'll. LOL
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I log the same on the holidays as I do any other day of the year, with perhaps a bit more guesswork since I don't do all the cooking myself, but I don't stress about being over on the actual day. My goal this year is to lose 10 lbs between 11-1 and 12-31, which is about half what I normally lose in two months.

    I also don't eat either rolls or salads on holidays. I eat green salads all the time anyway so there's nothing special about them, and non-green salads are usually calorie bombs that don't taste nearly good enough to make me want to eat them instead of, say, mashed potatoes or wild rice stuffing. The only exception is fruit salad dressed in nothing but lime juice, which just feels festive to me.