Mine is a love, she lives a 7 hour drive from us and she adores me! Great combo. My mother on the other hand, let me pour you a glass of wine and tell you a wee story..
You must have high quality pictures!!!
That there are no spiders in Antarctica
The moment you're looking for your phone to send a text and then realise that you're TALKING ON IT!
First world problems!!! LOL
Welcome! I am just back after a rather long hiatus myself.
'bout 14 lbs
She has a point! LOL
Wow! So envious. I have never done a solo holiday....I suspect that it would put my husband's nose somewhat out of joint if I were to suggest it. In my books, a solo holiday makes you awesome.
I don't know her but she looks great!
Great profile!
Gorgeous hair - generally gorgeous!
Great cheekbones
Welcome back - I am a third time rounder myself!
Add me for sure!!!!
Chances are excellent that this is TRUE!