spiro413x Member


  • I hate people who food shame. No, eating this one pizza isn't going to ruin your progress if you manage your calories. Anything can fit in your calories budget if you plan for it. There is no such thing as an "un-eatable" food when it comes weight loss. CICO is king.
  • Feel free to friend me!!!
  • Listen, everybody has days where they go over. Hence the word "journey" in the phrase weight lose journey. The problem a lot of people have - and I suspect you might fall into this trap - is that they say "I'm going to start my weight loss journey tomorrow. I'm going to be perfect. I'm not going to mess up at all" then…
  • Calories are a unit of measure - not a substance. Calories are how we accurately measure our weight in relation to what we are eating. That is factual information. CICO is king. This is not a dispute. This is fact.
  • There's a difference between health and weightless. And although they commonly overlape they are not dependent on each other. Calories are not a "substance" - calories are a unit of measurement that we use to manipulate our weight. If you are eating under your caloric needs. (Your TDEE) you are going to lose weight…
  • Truthfully, gaining weight with legitimate muscle growth is a lot harder than what people think. You don't just accidently bulk up 50 pounds of muscle. That takes a long time and dedication. I wouldn't worry about it too much. What i would worry about is that you are eating enough to compensate for your high physical…
  • It is super common that people who work out over count how many calories they are burning. While physical activity can create a large false hunger it doesn't mean you are actually burning that many calories. If you are gaining weight the fact is you are consuming to many calories. Sorry. You need to count more accurately.
  • Lord bless you. I have a particular weakness for fast food. My only advice would to bring protein heavy lunches. Maybe they will be able to keep you feeling full long enough not to snack on fast food lol.
  • I'm going to be honest. I didn't read that article. I don't have the patience and I'm at work. But I just wanted to quickly chime in and say that all weight loss is made in the kitchen (diet) and muscle growth and tonning is made with physical activity "the gym" - and that's just the facts.
  • Just to Echo what others are saying here your BMR is basically the calories needed to maintain organ function if your body was in a compleye coma your BMR is what you would burn your tdee however is what is required to account for physical activity. You need to eat 500 calories under your TDEE to lose 1 pound a week.…
  • Honestly it's really hard to lose weight around the holidays Thanksgiving specifically because its such a food oriented holiday really the biggest way I found to defeat the holidays is not to get into a defeatist mindset you know where you completely go over your calories one day and then you say screw it!!! And you have a…