Hi thanks for your replies. I try my best to use the computer in small intervals but it’s hard and I do bring sun glasses to meetings. I just do not feel the headaches getting any better at all. Planning on trying acupuncture. Also - I will fight back. I’m usually great with pain of roughing it out but these headaches just…
I hope you see this message since I see it’s almost a year since you’ve posted. I’m experiencing the exact same thing and have been extremely upset about it. I’ve been very active for a very long time and would also consider myself a small girl I usually weight about 110. Since my concussion 6 months ago I’ve gained over…
Thank you all so much! I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing such a long recovery. I never thought I would be out if the gym this long. The only thing that helps honestly is sleep. So during the week after work I go to bed early and I really hope to go to the gym this weekend and try a bike. I'm ready to start some…
Hi all thanks for your input! I've been to the er twice, my PCP twice, and a neurologist.. all who said the only thing I can do is rest. My CT scan showed no bleeding. I asked about running because I love running and in times of stress, that is my outlet. I was told as recovery comes, running will be the last thing I do. I…