Besides considerable weight gain (20lbs) and insomnia... I have hot flashes(maybe more warm flashes) and then shortly after I get the chills. Periods are shorter in length, around 4 days, with 2 very heavy days, with heavy cramping. Still pretty consistent, about 26-30 days apart. However last year, they were around 40…
Hey! I'm in!! My beautiful guitar is collecting dust as well. I started taking lessons at age 40 (bucket list), played a lot with friends for the first 5/6 years. Then life happened, and our little "band" lost out to family obligations, etc. I'm now turning 50 and it's time to get back at it!
I just requested to join group and signed up on spreadsheet. Will definitely play along on the waitlist! Love the Amazing race challenge!
I just joined group. :)