Chapmanwife Member


  • Thanks! I like the idea of bringing a side dish and being helpful. Moderation for everything is usually my style but the doc days differently these days. I don't like explaining my health issues since we are getting together to have fun. :) Good idea to talk ahead of time . thanks!
  • trying the whole food approach for myself.. Too frustrating any other way to figure out if what I am eating is in excess for the day. Everything is okay in moderation, including moderation.
  • I'm not a vegan but cooking a lot from a vegan cookbook since the recipes meet most of my diet restrictions and health needs. Really enjoying, Oh She Glows! Cookbook. Its a pretty healthy way to eat!
  • I just discovered Quest bars the other day. Highly recommend them! 1 gram of sugar, 13 grams of Fiber and 22 grams of protein.. And they taste good!