Jcc2018 Member


  • I quit smoking 20 years ago. Now occasionally, after having been out socially the evening before, I'll have a dream and in the dream I am smoking. The next morning I awaken in a sheer panic -- "Did I smoke?!" Lol. My brain being hypervigilant about something it has made a pre-decision NOT to do. Congrats on your decision!
  • 7-26-67
  • Is there a pre-packages version of the "cheese wisps" to which I see some of you refer? The only ones I find are in the deli-whole foods section w/o nutrional values. Is there a recipe for making Parmesan wisps?
  • 8 servings= (Atkins Dk Choc Royale) 434 calories 22.2g carbs 44.1g fats 7.3g protein
  • Online Wal-Mart delivers a 6-pack to my doorstep for $11.88 day after tomorrow!
  • When I do not log beyond 1,000 calories, and I hit "complete" on my diary, it gives me the warning and it will not give me a 5-week projection on my weight loss. It also will not announce my completion on the newsfeed. But it does log my calories for that day. That's the only difference I see.
  • Hmmm. I went back & clicked the article link to make certain I hadn't mis-posted... The article is written by a Registered Dietician and actually the source was MFP. I usually start reading an article backwards... asking myself "Who wrote this? What's their education? Who supports their ideas?" and then look at the…
  • http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/4-signs-youre-eating-little-trying-lose-weight/?utm_source=mfp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MFP_Newsletter_Main_20180312_NO_WL&os_ehash=55@sfmc:109822474
  • Woke up to 3" of snow over ice this morning! Yuck! Hazardous roads, but I made it to the office. Cancelled my road trip, tho. Better safe than sorry! Had just enough time to grab a couple of protein shakes and some carrots before leaving the house. I am relatively full and satisfied, but haven't had enough calories to keep…
  • Sorry I've been missing in action. A busy week, which in turn has resulted in poor dietary choices and poorer diary logging. I declined to step on the scales this morning and beat myself up. I am thankful for the new day & the new beginning. I have found skipping my breakfast results in over indulgence later in the day &…
  • Thanks for keeping me honest!
  • Have to admit I've been a bit lacking on "self-care" during the past couple of weeks & not eating my breakfast as I need to. This in turn, has led me to be less than faithful in my journaling in my MFP diary... one problem leading to another. So, that is on my goal list--get back to my routine of a breakfast. Now that I've…
  • Hello! Thanks for starting us off, Sue. I'm Jan, 57 years old, gained & lost a multitude of pounds over the years and finally just want to find the balanced path to weight loss and the health maintenance. I joined MFP again this year and have lost 19 pounds by counting calories and using the diary on MFP. I'm looking for…
  • JFT 1) Log my food intake 2) Stay within caloric goals 3) Drink 64 oz of water 4) Read/meditate 5) Be gentle with myself 6) Be accountable to someone else
  • I've been encouraged by reading your posts & feel like some of you have peaked into my heart and exposed my thoughts... I'm 57 & have been surgically menopausal for 13+ years, struggling with yo-yo weight issues since my 30s. Thank you for your posts. My journey would be greatly complimented by a group like this!