wildrosedragon Member


  • Last day of month and didn't make it to 299 but have made it to 305, so a bit closer. I did get moved into the basement, thanks to my daughter and her boyfriend. There was no way for me to actually get it done all by myself, but thankfully they stepped in and got it done for me. Now I can officially start painting.…
  • Hello all, I'm 52 with Fibro, DDD, Chronic Pain, sleep issues and so on. I've been following Keto since end of Dec 2017 and currently have lost 55 lbs. (which I just noticed is now more than my age, how cool is that, lol) I am off insulin and due to get off most of the other pills sometime in Aug. (next appointment) I work…
  • Morning everyone, new around these parts. Didn't have any hard goals in May but did reach some soft ones, so am happy with that. I have 8 lbs left on reaching my 1st major goal of loosing 64 lbs, way ahead of schedule. So going to set it for my June goal. Another June goal is to finish moving out of upstairs and complete…
  • Actually taking 2 Tbsp nightly for leg pain, so far it helps.