blueheartrisen Member


  • My ex weighed less than me most of the time. I was really happy when I was at my lowest adult weight and FINALLY weighed less than he did...which lasted about 5 seconds because I got pregnant. :#
  • Favorites: walnuts, pistachios, almonds, macadamia, cashews Healthiest? If I had to choose I'd say walnuts and almonds. There's a lot to be said for variety, though.
  • I do this with every new hobby. Annoying I am sure. Make sure to ask people about their life and their stuff, too, and you should be good.
  • When I'm really into something, researching or a new hobby/project, I can forget to eat. That sense of flow/connectedness is awesome and better than food.
  • The way it's written makes it seem like the interests of the cyclist will of course will take the highest priority in a relationship. That comes across as selfish. I think with any potentially expensive and time-consuming hobby it's got to be a balancing act for it to work long-term. To me there are things more important,…
  • "Hungry" is a vague thing that can be influenced by a lot of things that aren't actually hunger. I can waaaaaay overeat and then feel "hungry" a couple of hours later. I also tend to feel a lot of other things (spacy, irritable, headache, etc.) before I feel true hunger. So, I'm going to vote for stopping when full. Having…
  • Sliced my finger pretty good trying to cut frozen bread. The nerves mostly grew back after a number of years but it's still a little twangy if I hit it on something.
  • Both kinds of pizza they served were really good. I still eat my grilled cheese sandwiches like they made them in the cafeteria. My favorite dessert--caramel cinnamon rolls...oozy hot cinnamon-y goodness fresh from the oven. The regular rolls were good too. I always enjoyed the canned fruit. For veggies, green beans and…
  • The spraying of nasty chemicals into the shared airspace is just as offensive and worse for one's health than the misplaced toot.
  • I wouldn't blame the culture for the things that he is saying. Plenty of happy monogamous relationships still happen. How does the topic of "I might want to sleep with someone else" even come up? Are you asking him about it or is he just blurting it out in a drunken confession? He's in his thirties and has only been with…
  • If you are making a change for you, do it for you. If someone said to me, I need to lose 6 pounds and because of that I no longer want YOU to eat takeout or make any homemade treats...uhhh, no thanks??? It probably comes across as a little dramatic and controlling to people who probably don't even notice a 6 pound gain…
  • Gardening is much more fun in January. Planning new garden beds, buying seeds, etc. No nasty biting critters and working in the unbearable heat and humidity that the execution of said plans requires.
  • I had a stationary bike in an upstairs apartment, I thought it wouldn't bother the downstairs neighbor...turns out the vibrations from the thing were shaking lights and things on her walls, which as you might imagine got really annoying for the neighbor after a while. Maybe because the place was 50+ years old, maybe…
  • I would go for the homemade cornstarch thickened gravy. Gravy (and other sauces) are worth the calories to me if they make the veggies more palatable. Homemade honey mustard is also excellent with bland chicken/veg. Yum yum sauce is also nice, I use bottled but I bet there is a recipe out there for it. Lemon pepper is also…
  • I have used probiotics for other reasons, but they did not seem to help the digestibility of certain raw foods. If a soup is available instead of a salad, that's what I am going for because cooking really does help the digestibility of a lot of things for me. Many restaurants where I live will let you substitute a second…
  • Another option might be a "naked" taco salad. Most of the time I shoot for 700-800 calories for a half meal at a restaurant, and plan the rest of my day accordingly. Try to skimp too much and I just feel grumpy.
  • Ideally I will do something every day, it's just better for me that way. However, the intensity varies based on how I feel and I do not do the same type of exercise every day. If I really need a rest day I take it.
  • My sister loves hers and uses it multiple times a week, so I bought one. One year later, I passed mine on to her, happy to be rid of it. Compared to a crockpot, I found it fussy to use. No comparison to an oven because it gives everything a boiled in water or steamed taste. It was surprisingly hard to clean for being…
  • I used to get a doughnut from the grocery store (plain glazed) every now and then and log it as a doughnut. When the store starting listing calories on the bakery bin, they were double what I had been logging. Not worth it anymore, they aren't THAT good!
  • I would try the following... For 5 straight weeks, with no exceptions 1) Eat at least 1200 calories, measuring your food with a food scale (not eyeballing or using the label) 2) Include at least 200 calories each day of foods you truly enjoy like pasta, bread, and junk food 3) Eat at regularly scheduled mealtimes, no…
  • So far so good! Exercised Logged my food and did not exceed maintenance For now, that's all I'm requiring of myself.
  • Positive self talk may sometimes seem contrived, but if my inner voice is going to talk regardless, might as well give it something good to say or at least combat the ridiculous stuff it comes up with. "I don't eat my feelings" was one that I used very successfully for a good long while. It never became completely part of…
  • Wow. I feel like I've heard over 50% of these in the past month. :# I don't lie much, but I've burned more than a few bridges by telling the truth. Might be better off lying!
  • If you plugged your stats into MFP and it told you that you could lose 1 pound (per week) eating 1500 calories (plus eating back exercise calories), then try that for a few weeks and see how it goes. If you are losing too fast, bump up the calories a bit. If you are losing too slowly, drop them a bit. If you do not eat…
  • Looks so fun! Tuning up broomstick just in case...