Without weighing and logging each individual food it's going to be a guess. There are some entries in the database that might give you a vague idea
For me it's all about the clothes and all about the shoes. I get it, I'm shallow but it works for me. Find what works for you
That's a lot of weight to lose in 8 weeks. I'd put your stats in mfp with the appropriate activity level and a 2 pound per week weight loss goal. Eat the calories it gives you and at least half of any exercise calories, log consistently and weigh everything you eat. You might not lose exactly 21 pounds but it will be a…
He asked for opinions, he got my British one 😁
Manscaping goes a long way
Congratulations that's fantastic, can't wait to join you there
Congratulations, you look amazing.
Your deficit to lose the amount of weight you selected at set up is already included in your mfp 2070 calorie allowance. If you are burning more calories in exercise you should be eating a good percentage of them back. Faster isn't better. Good luck
I think it's simple (CICO - very basic maths) but not easy (emotions, personal experience and general life struggles get in the way)
I find late afternoon snacks and having a high volume, low calorie dinner planned or prepared helps with this. I also tended to grab high calorie snacks while I was waiting for dinner to cook after work. I now chew gum or suck a sugar free mint, I'm much less likely to snack as everything tastes bad.
That's a great idea, thanks
Thanks. Good luck to you too
I'm 5 foot 7, my wrist measures 7 inches if people think that is reIevant. I set my goal weight at 145 (mainly because it's exactly 100 pounds from my starting weight) as I've never been that light since I was a child I'm prepared to readjust according to how I look/feel when I get closer. Last time I lost considerable…
Congratulations, that must feel so good
Thank you
Thank you
Wow, if ever a thread made me want to grab popcorn and settle in for the drama it's this one. I never understand why people ask for advice then argue with the answers..... For what it's worth I left my husband of 25 years because I lost weight. I got fit and healthy and he didn't. It wasn't about me finding him…
If ate whenever I was hungry I'd be the size of a small country 😂
I plan my weekends too. I add in (a lot of) alcohol for Friday night and a bigger breakfast/brunch on Saturday to deal with the post drinking munchies using calories I've banked during the week. Otherwise my food and mealtimes are just as structured as during the week. If I allowed myself to be unstructured for 2 days out…
Foods with less than 3% fat would result in a really sad diet, standard 'healthy' staples like chicken, salmon and eggs would be off limits. Judging by your use of language I suspect you are in the UK, in my experience our General Practitioners know bugger all about nutrition - maybe ask for a referral to a dietician if…
I lost 100 pounds, for the first time in my life I was hot. I got out of a bad marriage, got some friends and had an absolute ball. All the partying, trips away and hectic life gradually let it all creep back on until I wasn't so hot anymore. Now back at it with a more balanced view, I'm no longer either on a 'diet' or…
Another vote for shock absorber here, the only bra I've ever found that keeps my ladies in line during exercise classes 😊
This advice worries me, I'd be very cautious of using 'remedies and techniques' in place of antipsychotics prescribed by a psychiatrist.
Fitbit doesn't need long charging if you do it daily, I charge it while I'm in the shower, dressing etc. I prefer to keep in on at night as I'm not a great sleeper and I find the sleep analysis useful. I also have negative adjustments disabled or it steals calories from me if I have a duvet day 😊
I've let small upward trends derail me in the past so I'm trying hard not to stress about daily fluctuations as long as the general trend is going down. I've also been guilty of putting my life on hold while I deal with the excess weight, this time I'm trying to keep living my life hence refusing to give up my night out…
Excellent work
Amazing. You look fantastic
I save calories during the week for my Friday night out. I weigh lighter the next morning due to dehydration but gain a couple of pounds the following day which disappears after a couple of days.
I'd be thinking more about the amazing food (France) and the best chocolate in the world (Switzerland). Enjoy
I have accidentally 'diagreed' with someone by catching it with my thumb as I scroll down. Maybe others have too without realising?