

  • Ever since I found out how many calories my meal plan was (my meal plan uses exchanges), I've been counting calories again. My team knows, and while I'm sure they would rather I didn't, they would also like to me keep eating, and if tracking calories helps, then so be it. Currently I am having a hard time keeping down more…
  • Awesome attitude! I hope you do well. I'm trying to slowly increase my cals so that I don't binge/purge as much, but so that I can still lose weight. I'm not going to lose too much though, because I know if I get below a certain amount I won't stop. I'm just aiming for 10-15 pounds right now, and then if I feel okay I…
  • I'm in treatment for bulimia right now, but I wouldn't say I've reached recovery. In fact I'm not even close, but I'm trying my best. I'm on here to try and lose weight a bit more healthier and keep track of what I eat (my nutritionist is getting annoyed because I never record anything) I'd love some support, and I'd love…